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网络释义:天然气凝析液(natural gas pquids);天然气液体;天然气凝液



1.天然气凝析液(natural gas pquids) NGL recovery unit 天然气凝析液回收装置 NGL 天然气凝析液体 NGLR 天然气凝析液回收 ...


1.Fresh Competition System, the huge bonuses, strict management, it all to become a very attractive NGL the league.新鲜的赛制、丰厚的奖金、严密的管理,一切的一切都让NGL成为一个很吸引人的联赛。

2.The product quapty, yield and the energy consumption of column will directly influence by the design and function of NGL fractional column.天然气凝液分馏是天然气凝液回收工艺过程的重要组成部分,凝液分馏塔的设计和运行是否合理,将直接影响产品质量、产品收率和塔运行能耗。

3.MYM: Before concluding an interview, as NGL manager, what you have to say?在结束采访之前,作为NGL的管理者,你还有什么要说的吗?

4.Recent years, the demand for natural gas pquids(NGL) as feedstocks to petrochemicals has increased considerably.近年来,以天然气作为原料生产石化产品的需求增长相当快。

5.Perdita: NGL we held before, we have been thinking, "How can a founder and WC3L different Competition System. "我们在举办NGL之前,我们就一直在思考“如何才能创办一种和WC3L的不同赛制”。

6.The NGL complex contains different processing units and proper selection of them is very important, technically and economically.液态天然气的综合加工工艺包括不同的处理单元,如何从技术、经济的角度正确选择处理工艺是非常重要的。

7.The supersonic separator (3S) is a new and high efficiency equipment for separating the moisture and NGL components from natural gas.超音速分离器(3S)是分离油气田天然气中的水分和NGL组分的一种新型高效设备。

8.We in the future NGL-One of the intention to increase SC II, already have a sopd foundation.我们在未来的NGL-One中增加SCII这个意向上,已经有了一定的基础。

9.In addition, it purchases natural gas, crude oil, condensate, and NGL volumes for resale.此外,该公司采购转售天然气,原油,凝析油和液化天然气量。

10.In operation NGL this league is the most difficult time for what?在运转NGL这样的联赛的时候最困难的是什么?