


美式发音: 英式发音: 


网络释义:国立教育学院(National Institute of Education);新制度经济学(New Institutional Economics)



1.聂 倪 : NI : NIE 乜 : NIE ...

2.国立教育学院(National Institute of Education)当初报NTU里的National Institute of Education (NIE) Singapore纯属抱着能报几个报几个,总有一个轮到我的心态。NTU文科专 …

3.新制度经济学(New Institutional Economics)然而,新制度经济学NIE)的情形就大不相同,他们非常活跃,而且也逐渐得到了主流的承认。1986年,马修斯(Matthews)就 …


1.Mr Nie said he would seek to greatly expand this kind of partnership.聂震宁说,他将设法大力拓展这种合作伙伴关系。

2."It is impossible for him to make a profit if he pays all the tolls and fees legally, " Nie says.聂教授说:“如果他按照法律缴纳所有费用,那么就不可能赚到利润了。”

3.Nie: I can see that you use a number of different formats for your poems.聂:看得出您的诗歌中运用了多种不同的文体形式。

4.Mr. Nie has also been praised for having averted disaster, parachuting out of a plane that lost control and entered a steep dive.Nie先生也被因已经避免灾难从一架飞机出来用降落伞降落,其失去控制和进入一俯冲的赞扬。

5.Nie-er, being member of the left-wing movement in music of the day, had his own thoughts, specialty and innovation on his music creation.聂耳作为当时左翼音乐运动的一员,他的音乐创作有自己的思想,有自己的特点,有自己的创新。

6.Can you pursue the photograph of the chart that you discover in the home of Nie Pan first and pass network to spread for me to come over?你能不能先把你在聂磐家里发现的那个地图的照片,通过网络给我传过来?

7.Aode to fix for false beggar, killed with suitors, finally and his wife LuoPo nie er reunion.奥德修为装伪乞丐,杀死了求婚者,终于和妻子珀涅罗珀团圆。

8.The style of Nie-er's popuplar songs was the regular style of that Chinese society era.聂耳群众歌曲的风格,正式中国社会那个时代的风格。

9.As one of the four late Qing Dynasty's condemned novels, "Nie Hai Hua" is a masterpiece of satirical novels of the late Qing Dynasty.《孽海花》是晚清四大谴责小说之一,也是晚清讽刺小说的一部代表作。

10.Venerable Nie said that the driver saw after they come, only said one: "the child gave you, me has felt repeved, I walked. "聂老先生说,司机看到他们来后,只说了一句:“孩子交给你们,我就放心了,我走了。”