


美式发音: [ˈnaɪki] 英式发音: [ˈnaiki:]





n.1.in Greek mythology, the winged goddess of victory

1.耐克 新百伦( NewBalance) 耐克( Nike) 阿迪达斯( Adidas) ...

2.耐吉 hitler 希特勒 Nike 耐吉 shark 鲨鱼 ...

3.耐克公司 Jack Jones 男裤 NIKE 运动服 iPod 昂达 ...

6.运动品牌耐吉知名运动品牌耐吉(NIKE)最近发布企业社会责任报告,强调下一阶段的企业社会责任策略将转变为注重创新、协同合作、透明 …

7.运动鞋同问请问我穿运动鞋(NIKE)高帮的尺码是40码,对应成皮鞋的尺码我应该穿多大的啊? 提问者采纳 2008-12-22 13:17 xiaozi_o…


1.For starters, nike mercuric, an extreme job involves working at least 60 hours a week, although many work 100 hours or more.从事这种极限工作的人一开始每周要工作至少60个小时,不过很多人都达到了每周100个小时,甚至更多。

2.Nike regard communication effect of advertisement, make Nike brand is all the love, rapid growth.耐克公司注重沟通效果的广告,使耐克品牌深受众爱,迅速成长。

3.Nike released an ad with a silent and contemplative Tiger and a voice-over from his now-deceased father.耐克发布了一则广告,片中是沉默和沉思的老虎,配上他已故父亲的画外音。

4.Think about it, when you spend $90 for a pair of Nike sneakers, only a fraction of it flows to China and even less to workers there.想想看,你花90美元买一双耐克运动鞋的话,其中只有很少的一部分流向中国,到劳动者手中的那就更少了。

5.Megan Saalfeld, a Nike spokeswoman, says she was unable to find someone to comment about this episode.MeganSaalfeld,耐克发言人,说她找不到人去评论这插曲。

6.Jordan's demand to have the stripe removed -- which would require restarting production halfway through -- had never been done at Nike.乔丹的要求把带子去掉——也就是要求重启生产——这在耐克公司前所未有。

7.The deal provides royalties from her own tennis pne, as well as a pne of bags and shoes through Nike subsidiary Cole Haan.与合同一同签出的,除她为耐克子公司ColeHaan的系列产品旅行袋、运动鞋做代言外,还有就是她的边线技术特许权。

8.However, pke it or not, consumers that wear Nike product do not always buy it to participate in sport.然而,无论喜不喜欢,那些使用耐克产品的消费者并不总是购买该产品参加体育运动。

9.The Nike + iPod lets you upload your workout details to see how you stack up against others or to compete against friends.Nike+iPod可以上传锻炼具体情况,看看你和其他人的对比情况或是朋友间进行竞赛。

10.If Nike (NKE) reports better than expected earnings, it seems to forget about Greece for a day.如果耐克(NKE)收入好于预期更,这一天希腊的事情似乎就被抛在了脑后。