




1.日产 兰博基尼 Aventado 2013尼桑 nissan 2013款奥迪敞篷 A5 Cab ...

3.日产汽车日产汽车NISsan)未来6年加大在泰国及其它东盟国家投资赫兹日前表示要扩展在中国的电动车租赁业务 美国总产出仍未恢 …


5.日产尼桑日产尼桑Nissan),1993:日产在日本国生产两款最高档次的房车:总统号和西马,排量分别为4.5升和4.1升,所采用的发动机 …


7.东风日产东风日产(nissan) 车型名称骏 东风日产的玛驰(详情图片报价) mpv车型推荐_骊威_东风日产 东风日产骏逸参数: 车型名 东风日 …

8.日产公司  日产公司Nissan)的全电动汽车聆风上市第一年的表现要略强于雪佛兰的沃蓝达。虽然许多车主觉得它的续航里程令人失望…


1.So much for that skepticism. Lets just hope Renault-Nissan can hold up their end of the bargain.质疑的声音仍然存在,目前我们只能期待雷诺和日产能够保持他们的合作

2.Those companies have joined Mitsubishi, Nissan and Toyota in the scramble for a place in the new electric-car industry.这些公司已经加入了三菱、日产、丰田争夺电动汽车产业的领地。

3.The answer might be found Thailand, where Nissan Motor Co. preparing to do what was once unthinkable: export small cars to Japan.答案可能是将工厂转移至泰国。在泰国,日产汽车公司(NissanMotorCo.)正打算做一件之前被认为是不可思议的事情:将小型车出口到日本。

4.One Nissan official said he was afraid that the accused Renault managers might have shared crucial know-how with outsiders.日产公司一位高管说,他担心雷诺上述三名管理人员可能已将关键技术外传。

5.John Martin, Nissan's global supply-pne chief, said the auto maker changed its suppper and made other adjustments.日产汽车全球供应主管马丁(JohnMartin)说,日产汽车更换了供应商,并做了其它调整。

6.Nissan has been a real beneficiary lately thanks to its small cars and a distribution network that reaches further inland than its rivals.凭借车型小、分销网络比对手更深入中国内陆的优势,日产最近获得了实实在在的利益。

7.I tell him this interview slot usually goes to the CEOs of big companies pke Nissan - whereas Craigspst is worth . . . how much?我告诉他,这个采访位置通常是留给日产(Nissan)等大公司的首席执行官的——而Craigspst值……多少钱?

8.Carlos Ghosn vowed to make Nissan -- which had been losing money for years -- into a profitable, globally competitive company again.卡洛斯?戈恩(CarlosGhosn)发誓使持续亏损数年的日产再次成为一家在全球具有竞争力的盈利公司。

9.Nissan happens to be one among the top 3 Asian companies that have been able to manufacture highest number of cars.日产是亚洲汽车三强之一,有能力制造最多数量的汽车。

10.He said as much last month, at a ceremony to mark the construction of Nissan's new American headquarters outside Nashville, Tennessee.上个月,日产美国新总部在田纳西州纳什维尔郊区开工,出席开工仪式的戈恩就坦承了这个意向。