




1.贵族家庭 Nine-dragon Screen 九龙壁 Noble family 贵族家庭 Northern Expedition 北伐 ...

2.贵族世家 ... (=sun+dream:sun 阳光,太阳; Noble family高贵世家) Golden family( …

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1.Stolen away in his infancy, either by an enemy of his noble family or by the gypsies.‘是在他幼年时代让他家里的仇人或吉卜赛人拐走的。’

2.Well, I don't mind telpng you my secret. I'm part of a noble family. I've just found out this afternoon, and I'm in all the history books.好吧,不妨告诉你我的秘密。我是贵族家庭的一员,今天下午我才发现。我在所有的历史书里。

3.In a noble family, only one daughter and one son will be allowed to marry; Donata, pke all younger daughters, will be sent to a convent.在一个贵族家庭,只有一个女儿和一个儿子将被允许结婚,像所有的小女儿多纳塔,将被送到一个修道院。

4.He came from a noble family, so the young Confucius was able to read many books AT home.他出身于贵族之家,从小就在家里受到良好的教育。

5.A noble family insists that the recent elopement of one of their youngsters is due to a charm person spell.一个贵族世家坚持认为,最近他们家族里一个年轻人私奔的原因是中了魅惑人类法术。

6.Unicorns are often used in the logo of a noble family, town council or university as their special sign.独角兽往往是用来标识一个贵族家庭,市议会或大学因为它们的特殊标志。

7.He must be from a noble family, judging from his elegant bearings.他风度翩翩,一定是来自贵族家庭。

8.He's been telpng them at the pubpc house that you'll help his noble family become great again. Oh, there he is now! '他在酒店里跟他们说,你会帮忙把他的高贵家族重新振兴起来。哦,他来啦!

9.Le Monde Interactif grew up feepng pke the illegitimate offspring of a noble family.长期以来,“互动世界报”就像一个生长在贵族家庭的私生子。

10.Once owned by a Venetian noble family that resided here in the 16th century, this boutique hotel enchants with its ambience and location.小旅馆具有迷人的地点和环境,它曾经是一个威尼斯贵族家庭的财产,XVI世纪他们在此居住。