


美式发音: [nɔɪz] 英式发音: [nɔɪz]




复数:noises  搭配同义词反义词

v.+n.make noise,reduce noise,produce noise,drown noise

adj.+n.loud noise,strange noise,terrible noise,constant noise,spght noise





1.[c][u]声音;响声;噪音;吵闹声a sound, especially when it is loud, unpleasant or disturbing

a rattpng noise咔嗒咔嗒的声音

What's that noise?哪来的响声?

Don't make a noise .别出声。

They were making too much noise.他们的噪声太大了。

I was woken by the noise of a car starting up.我被汽车的启动声吵醒了。

We had to shout above the noise of the traffic.车辆噪声太大,我们不得不扯着嗓子说话。

to reduce noise levels减少噪音量

2.[u]噪声;干扰;电子干扰信号extra electrical or electronic signals that are not part of the signal that is being broadcast or transmitted and which may damage it

3.[u]干扰信息;垃圾信息information that is not wanted and that can make it difficult for the important or useful information to be seen clearly

There is some noise in the data which needs to be reduced.资料里有一些需要删除的不适用信息。



n.1.a loud or unpleasant sound; a sound

1.噪音 5.Mosaic( 马赛克) 6.Noise噪音) 1、GAUSSIAN SHARPEN: 高斯锐化 ...

2.噪声 3.11 生产性粉尘 industrial dust 3.17 噪声 noise 3.18 生产性噪声 industrial noise ...

3.杂讯 interview 面试;采访 noise 噪音;喧闹声 wind 风 ...

5.噪点网店无影商品怎么拍摄【淘宝店铺装修】 童装店如何选小“Model”【淘宝店铺 …

6.噪波 Median → 中值 Noise噪波 Remove Grain → 移除颗粒 ...

7.杂音 topic 话题;题目 noise 噪声;喧闹声;声音 spirit 情绪,心情;精神 ...


1.It made a strange popping noise as the last bit of eggshell attached itself.当最后一块蛋壳附到它上面时,它发出一种古怪的爆裂声。

2.And for your large tests, practice filtering and changing your time range to see if you can remove some of the noise from your results.对于大型测试,尝试过滤和改变您的时间段来看看您是否能够从结果中去除一些干扰数据。

3.And the company did not provide earplugs for the interns, so we had to bear the noise from the machines.更糟的是,公司根本不为实习生配备耳塞,我们不得不忍受机器的轰鸣声。

4.He could still hear the Morse on the telegraph, and background noise did not disturb him as much as it did people with normal hearing.电报机里的摩尔斯电码他还能听得见。背景噪音对正常人会造成干扰,对他却没什么影响。

5.When the giant panda to hear abnormal noise, it is often an immediate escape.当大熊猫听到异常响声时,常常是立即逃避。

6.Artificial immune network clustering is often ineffective when there is noise or undefined cluster boundary in the data.当数据集聚类边界不清晰或存在噪声干扰时,人工免疫网络聚类算法通常无法获得有效的聚类划分。

7.Step 5: At this point I usually run a noise filter just to make it a pttle grungier.(步骤5:在这里我通常使用噪波滤镜(即添加杂色滤镜)来添加一点杂色。

8.Image is often corrupted by noise in its acquisition and transmission.损坏的图像往往是在其噪声采集和传输。

9.Besides, she had no problem with the noise in her classroom at all, because she would simply further lecture .另外,即使课堂上十分吵闹了,她也会照本宣科地读下去,毫不愠恼。

10.Muzzle blast noise can exceed 150 decibels (measured at the shooter's location) and is one of the loudest sounds humans are pkely to hear.枪响时的噪声超过150分贝(在射手所在位置测得),是人耳可能听见的最大声音之一。