



美式发音: [ˈnɑmɪˌneɪt] 英式发音: [ˈnɒmɪneɪt]



第三人称单数:nominates  现在分词:nominating  过去式:nominated  搭配同义词反义词

v.+n.nominate candidate,nominate chairman,nominate director


v.propose,put forward,suggest,submit,name


v.1.任命,指定;提名;推荐 (for)2.命名3.【赛马】登记(马名)参加比赛

v.1.to officially suggest that someone should be given a job, or that someone or something should receive a prize2.to choose a date or time for an event

1.被提名的 conduct 经营,处理 nominated 被提名的,被任命的 be promoted to 被提升为 ...

2.被任命的 conduct 经营,处理 nominated 被提名的,被任命的 be promoted to 被提升为 ...

3.入围 入围 Finapst Certificate 入围 Nominated 入围 Officially Selected ...

4.指定 ... 特邀嘉宾 Invited guest 记名会员/不记名会员(提名人Nominated & Non-Nominated Member 宾客种类 Classificat…


1.is going to be nominated by the Democrats, and I bepeve that I'm best quapfied to fill that role.将被民主党人提名的总统,而我认为我本人最符合此角色。

2.He had done a great speech at the convention [which nominated John Kerry] and people were beginning to talk about him.他在初选中的演讲非常精彩(约翰·凯利在此次大会上被提名),人们开始谈论奥巴马。

3.On the same day he said it, his rival in 2000, Al Gore, was being nominated for an Oscar for his film on the subject.就在当天,他在2000年的竞争对手艾尔•戈尔,凭借这一题材的电影而获得一项奥斯卡提名。

4.S: I think Tom might have been nominated for one of his films, but I don't think he won anything.我想汤姆可能凭借自己的一部电影获得了提名,不过我觉得他可能获不了奖。

5.In 2009, her novel Atemschaukel was nominated for the German Book Prize (Deutscher Buchpreis) and is now among the six finapsts.2009年,她的小说《Atemschaukel》被“德国图书奖”提名并且已经入围六强。

6.Varney has yet to be confirmed as antitrust chief, and she said all this before she was nominated.Varney能否成为反垄断长官还有待确认,并且她说的这一切都是她被提名之前的言论。

7.She was nominated for Best Actress for her role as a woman who discovers a secret about her husband in Far From Heaven.她因在《远离天堂》中扮演一位发现了丈夫秘密的女人而获得最佳女主角的提名;

8.these officials would no longer be civil servants. Their term of office would not exceed that of the Chief Executive who nominated them.在建议的新制度下,这些官员不再是公务员,任期也不会超逾提名他们的行政长官的任期。

9.The General Manager of the Company shall be nominated by [GM nominating Party].合营公司的副总经理由[]方提名。

10.Smith and McAdoo battled it out for 16 days until the exhausted convention nominated John W. Davis of West Virginia on the 103rd ballot.史密斯和麦卡杜的竞争持续了整整16天,直到筋疲力尽的会议各方最终在第103次投票中提名约翰戴维斯为西弗吉尼亚州的候选人。