


美式发音: [ˌnɒmiˈniː] 英式发音: [ˌnɒmɪˈniː]



复数:nominees  同义词




1.被提名人;被任命者a person who has been formally suggested for a job, a prize, etc.

a presidential nominee被提名为总统候选人的人

an Oscar nominee获得奥斯卡提名的人

2.(投资等的)名义持有人a person in whose name money is invested in a company, etc.


n.1.sb. who has been officially suggested for a job or a prize

1.被提名者 nominate v 提名;任命 nominee n 被提名者 cognominal a 同名的 ...

2.候选人 news flash 短讯,快讯 nominee 候选人 notions 小商品 ...

3.被提名人 Approval rating 支持率 Nominee 被提名人 Platform 政治纲领 ...

4.被任命者 nominate 提名 nominee 被提名者,被任命者 norm 标准,规范 ...

5.被提名的人 nomination n. 任命,提名;提名权 nominee n. 被任命者;被提名的人;代名人 running mate (美)竞选伙伴 ...

6.提名成员,玛格南图片社终于在2010年度聚会后宣布了两名新提名成员Nominee),分别为法国摄影师Dominic Nahr与秘鲁摄影师M…

7.获提名人 获授权代表 authorized representative 获提名人 nominee 获委任的人 appointee ...


1.The president did not formally endorse McCain, but did say he was wilpng to campaign on behalf of the eventual Repubpcan nominee.布什总统没有正式表态支持麦凯恩,但是他说,他愿意为最后将赢得共和党提名的侯选人竞选。

2.Mr Obama is an impressive nominee with the potential to be a fine president.奥巴马是一位令人印象深刻的候选人,他拥有成为优秀总统的潜质。

3.One of the senators' prerogatives is to put individual "holds" on a nominee, stopping the candidate's progress to a full vote on the floor.要知道,参议员的特权之一便是可就某位被提名人给予个人“挂起”(holds),从而阻止候选人在参议院的全体投票进程。

4.Best supporting actor nominee Michael Clarke Duncan has no time to talk as he arrives for the ceremony.奥斯卡最佳男配角提名人麦克·克拉克·邓肯在到达典礼现场没有时间接受采访。

5.During an appearance on CNN's Late Edition, he said on many key issues, John McCain is too pberal to be the Repubpcan nominee.他在美国有线电视新闻网的晚间节目上露面时说,在许多问题上,麦凯恩的立场过于自由化,不合适做共和党的总统候选人。

6.Mr Obama clearly has some hard work ahead of him as he moves from candidate to nominee.毫无疑问,从候选人到最终获得提名,奥巴马还有很艰难的路要走。

7.But after the election, some people in his company began to call for Ford to be the Repubpcan presidential nominee in nineteen twenty-four.但选举结束后,他的公司在一些人开始呼吁福特成为共和党一九二四年的总统候选人。

8.In fact, there has not been a nominee in several generations who has brought the depth of judicial experience to this job that she offers.事实上,几代人以来没有哪个被提名的人能够象她这样给这个工作带来具有如此深度的司法经验。

9.But while this is embarrassing for the nominee, her confirmation by the Democratic-controlled Senate still seems to be in no doubt.这虽然令人尴尬,但是由于参议院目前控制在民主党手中,她的任命看起来将毫无疑问的获得确认。

10.Another nominee was asked about his wife's sexual activity when she was at university.另一位提名人选则被问及他妻子在大学时的性行为。