

no one

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pron.1.not any person

1.没有人 几乎没有 few 没有人 noone 没有希望的 bleak ...

2.谁也不 ... 19 I'mthinkingofV-ing~.( 我在想~。) 21 Noone~.( 谁也不~。) 22 Icanhardly~.( 我几 …

3.无人 无爱 NOLOVE 无人 NOONE 无懈可击 Perfect ...

4.一个也没有 nobody 没有人 noone 一个也没有 somebody 有人 ...

5.努恩中场:7M.威廉姆斯(M.Wilpams)、6路德(Rudd)、8努恩Noone)、11J.福克斯(J.Fox) 前锋:9盖诺(Gaynor)、10 …


1.As Daniel has made up his mind to leave, noone can stop him for doing so.丹尼尔去意已定,什么也阻止不了他。

2.John came to the rescue, he took the spec homeand noone heard from him for 3 days.约翰参与了这场救援式的行动。他把规范带回家,从大家的视线中消失了3天。

3.Noone knows whether a love bear repeated reading or not, maybe the last word of romance went away with the wind.不知道真心是否经得起反复的浏览,爱情最后的留言也会被风吹散。

4.Veronica Noone attached a small sensor to her running shoes and headed out the door.维洛尼卡·努尼出门前在跑步鞋上绑了一个小型的感应器。

5.Noone understands this better than north Vietnamese general vo nguyen giap, who sees Vietnam pke sun tzu would-- as a go board.没有人比北越的武元甲将军更能明白这个道理,他和孙子一样,把越南看成一个棋盘。

6.Noone is now running four times a week and just did her first 10-mile race.Noone现在每周跑四次并刚刚跑完他的第一个10英里。

7.On June 6, 2008, Veronica Noone attached a small sensor to her running shoes and headed out the door.2008年6月,VeronicaNoone将一个小传感器连在鞋上,然后出了门。

8.Trust me, he will have girls galore, and noone will be able to tell him no to anything.相信我吧,他将会很有女人缘,并且没人敢对他指手画脚。

9."It just made running so much more entertaining for me, " says Noone, who blogs at ronisweigh. com.“对我来说,它让跑步变得如此愉快,”Noone在ronisweigh网址被屏蔽开博表示。

10.Noone pretends that the candidate's positions on either science or foreign aid will significantly influence the election's outcome.没有人会大胆地宣称候选人在科学或外援方面的立场将显著影响选举的结果。