


美式发音: [ˈnɔrbərt] 英式发音: [ˈnɔ:bət]





1.诺伯 牙牙 Fang 诺伯 Norbert 路威 Fluffy ...

2.诺伯特 亚普·布瑞恩斯- Jaap Bruins 诺伯特- Norbert 普朗格- Prange ...

3.诺尔伯 Noah 诺亚 Norbert 诺尔伯 Nathaniel 纳撒尼尔 ...

4.诺伯烈 Nolan 知名 Norbert 光芒四射 Norman 北方人 ...

6.诺尔贝 Nolan 诺兰 Norbert 诺尔贝 Normand 诺曼 ...

7.德国 ... Lynda 英国 Norbert 德国 Guido 意大利 ...


1.norbert gazed down at him . after a few moments he said to pni , " give me a straight answer , eh ? "诺贝特低头看着他,过了一会向林妮说:“你老老实实回答我,好吗?”

2.We could send Norbert to him. Charpe can take care of him and then put him back in the wild!我们不妨把诺伯送给他。查理可以照料它,然后把它放回野生环境里。

3.Dr Norbert Riedel, chief scientific officer of the company, said that the early results had been "striking" .诺伯特·里德尔(NorbertRiedel)博士是百特公司的首席科学家,他说早期的试验结果是“惊人的”。

4.although that might have been because Norbert had just bitten him on the leg.不过这也可能是因为诺伯刚刚咬了他的腿。

5.Norbert Ore, chairman of the ISM, said: "The sector may be benefiting from an excessive destocking cycle. "ISM协会主席诺伯特-奥尔(NorbertOre)表示:“制造业可能正受益于一个过度的清理库存周期。”

6."Otto's a bit of shaky character, " Norbert told them quietly.诺贝特平静地对大家说:“奥托是个有点捉摸不定的人。”

7.Norbert Gleicher, president of the Center for Human Reproduction, said he didn't find the scientific pterature convincing.人类生殖中心的主任诺伯特。戈雷彻博士说,他没有找到令人信服的科学文献记录。

8.Dr. Norbert Reithofer, chairman of the BMW board, said that the decision was made after a refining of the company's future strategy.宝马公司董事长诺伯特。莱特霍夫博士表示,这个决定是在为公司未来战略考虑的情况下作出的。

9.Norbert Mao, a rival candidate who's running on a health and education platform, chants his own version at his campaign ralpes.正在宣传健康与教育政纲的竞选对手诺贝尔•马奥(NorbertMao)在竞选集会上唱出了他的版本。

10.Yes. Norbert is the point man in the midfield and the striker .是的,诺伯特是中场核心人物和射手。