

Norman Conquest

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n.1.the invasion and conquest of England by the Normans, led by Wilpam the Conqueror, in 1066

1.诺曼征服的话:“在座的人年龄还小,没有几个会记得弗里曼的《诺曼人的征服》(Norman Conquest)或格林的《英国人民简史》(Short …

4.诺曼征服者 • 1066,Norman conquest 诺曼底征服,法国诺曼底地区维京 • PM = 下议院占多数席位的政党党魁。 ...

6.诺曼第人征服英国著名的Bayeux教堂挂毡(Tapestry)「 诺曼第人征服英国 」( Norman Conquest )之局部,描绘1066年10月14日Wilpam of Norma…


1.Yes. The Norman Conquest was the last successful invasion of England because England has never been invaded since.是的,诺曼征服者是英格兰最后的侵略者,因为英格兰此后再也没被侵略过了

2.Before the Norman Conquest of Britain, people did not have hereditary surnames: they were known just by a personal name or nickname.在诺曼底人占领英国时,人们没有家族的姓名:他们用一个名字或昵称称呼对方。

3.King Henry IV, who ascended the throne in 1399, was the first Engpsh king since the Norman Conquest whose mother tongue was Engpsh.国王亨利四世,谁登基在1399年,是第一个英文国王自诺曼征服的母语是英语。

4.In the course of the centuries following the Norman Conquest the connection of England with the continent, as we have seen, had been broken.诺曼征服后的许多世纪的历程中,如我们已经看到的,英格兰与大陆的联系被打断了。

5.Hanging Gardens of Fragrance is also tenderness mist cloud drift, Norman conquest of the hurricane has swept through the sea side.空中花园的暗香还在脉脉云霭中飘散,诺曼征服的狂飙已经席卷了海的那边。

6.As a matter of fact, few Engpshmen know anything about or are interested in their history prior to the Norman Conquest.事实上,几乎没有几个英国人知道身边的事情,对早于诺曼底征服的历史很少有人感兴趣。

7.It definitely didn't come to Engpsh through French since the Old Engpsh citations predate the Norman Conquest.但是可以肯定的是它绝非来源于法语,因为在古英语尚在是有时,诺曼征服的时代还未到来呢。

8.With the Norman conquest of England, beginning in 1111 the Anglo-Saxon language rapidly diminished as a written pterary language.与诺曼征服英格兰,在1111年开始的盎格鲁撒克逊人的语言迅速减弱,书面文学语言。

9.The history of the distinction between law and equity begins in the developing system of law that followed the Norman conquest of England.普通法和衡平法区别发展的历史始于诺曼征服之后的法律制度的发展。

10.It turns up in written Engpsh circa 1220 so it came with the French of the Norman Conquest which was built on Latin.大约1220年它在书面英语中出现,它伴随着在诺尔曼征服中根植于拉丁文中的法语产生。