



美式发音: [ˈnɔrmən] 英式发音: [ˈnɔː(r)mən]

n.诺曼(=Northman)诺曼底人 诺曼底法兰西人






n.1.诺曼2.诺曼底人 (=Northman) 诺曼底法兰西人;诺曼底法兰西语3.【男名】男子名

adj.1.relating to the 11th and 12th centuries in English history, when England was ruled by people from Normandy in northern France

1.诺曼人地战士(Highlander) 70 0 造剑铺 诺曼步兵Normans) 60 0 链甲铺、造剑铺 条顿武士(Teutonic Knights) 120 40 板甲 …

3.诺曼底人诺曼底人Normans)是从北欧游劫西欧的日耳曼人之西支,他们到达法国西北塞纳河口的诺曼底半岛后,接受了法语和当时 …


5.诺曼第人除了诺曼第人Normans), 北欧的海盗(Vikings)和撒拉逊人 (Saracens) 从海上的致命入侵, 教会同时遭受着国王,皇帝和有 …

6.诺曼斯  泰利斯公司还为挪威军方开发了“诺曼斯”(NORMANS)单兵C4I系统,整个系统质量只有500g,其中包括一种腕表式显示器。   安 …


1.It was one of the chain of fortifications built around London by the Normans to control the south-east of England.它是诺曼底人在伦敦周围建造的用来控制英国东南部的防御工程的一个链条。

2.b. Many of the Normans stayed behind as the Franks went on -- prefiguring what was to happen time and again within the crusading movement.许多诺曼人停留下来,而法兰克人却继续前进——这也预示着将会在十字军运动中会反复发生什么。

3.At this point, many English people worked as servants who raised animals and cooked for the Normans.在此期间,很多英国人沦为诺曼人的奴仆,他们为诺曼人饲养牲口和做饭。

4.They married themselves to the girls of the region and to the fat of the land, making Normans out of Norsemen.他们和当地的少女结婚,在肥沃的诺曼底扎根,使得挪威人变成了诺曼底人。

5.The Vikings who invaded England were called Danes, and those who invaded France were known as the Normans.侵略英格兰的斯堪的纳维亚人叫做丹麦人,侵略法国的则被称为诺曼人。

6.As he could not bear the oppressions from the Normans, he became an outlaw and hid in the forest with his merry men.因为他无法忍受的压迫从诺曼,他成为一个非法藏在森林中与他的风流男子。

7.The feudal and military organization of the Normans was to give them a surprising victory in Ireland .诺曼人的封建军事组织形式使他们在爱尔兰取得了意想不到的胜利。

8.Basically Germanic, it was expanded by the conquering Normans, who introduced French, and the medieval scholars and clergy, who used Latin.英语源于日尔曼语系,通过引入法语的善战的法国诺曼第人,以及使用拉丁语的中世纪学者和神职人员的传播得以逐渐扩大。

9.For the next 400 years the Normans and their descendants were an influential presence in Ireland .在随后的400年里,诺曼底人和他们的后裔在爱尔兰的影响越来越大。

10.The system of honours was part of the feudal system and the Normans introduced knighthoods after their conquest of England in 1066.该系统授勋的一部分,封建制度和诺曼介绍knighthoods后,他们征服英格兰在1066年。