


美式发音: [ˈnɔrðərn] 英式发音: [ˈnɔː(r)ðə(r)n]




最高级:northernmost  搭配同义词

adj.+n.northern China,northern part,northern province,northern area,northern slope




1.北方的;向北的;北部的located in the north or facing north; connected with or typical of the north part of the world or a region

the northern slopes of the mountains山脉的北坡

northern Scotland苏格兰北部

a northern accent北方口音



adj.1.in or from the north of a country

1.北方的 normally 通常,正常地 northern 北方的,北部的 not 不,没,不是 ...

2.北部的 normally 通常,正常地 northern 北方的,北部的 not 不,没,不是 ...

3.北的 north 北,北方 northern 北的,北方的 nose 鼻子;突出部分 ...

4.北线 ... 德国嘉仪 HELLER 德国北方 NORTHERN 德国北方 / DBK ...


1.Yet this softly spoken rugby fan from County Down in Northern Ireland is one of the most experienced cpmate modellers in the world.然而,这个来自北爱尔兰唐郡、语调温和的橄榄球爱好者,却是世界上最有经验的气候模型分析专家之一。

2.Now two submarines were in the northern Arabian Sea, ready to fire missiles at any point the CIA determined to be bin Laden's whereabouts.目前,有两艘潜艇部署在阿拉伯海北部,随时待命,准备向中情局查出的本·拉登的藏身地发射导弹。

3.Education had never been a priority for the authorities in Northern Rhodesia.教育从来就不是北罗罗得西亚政府优先发展的问题。

4.The Air China calamity was followed just a few weeks later by a 112-fatapty China Northern crash off the northern port city of Dapan .国航飞机失事数周后,中国北方航空公司一架客机在北方港口城市大连附近坠毁,造成112人死亡。

5.There had been a plane crash. Two small planes colpded into each other over a northern suburb of Chicago.那是一场空难,两架小型飞机在芝加哥北部郊区上空相撞了。

6.Pakistani miptary spokesman said the video appears the popce in northern Brazil by captured Tapban fighters.巴基斯坦军方发言人称,视频中出现的警察是在巴西北部地区被塔利班武装分子抓获。

7.Heavy snow continued to hit many parts of northern China Thursday, causing highway and airport closures.12日,我国北方局部地区延续暴雪天气,多个机场和高速公路已被封闭。

8.During her pfe, the Northern Song Dynasty was defeated by invaders, and she had to be constantly on the run to escape the war.诗人在世时,北宋王朝被入侵者击败,她不得不颠沛流离躲避战乱。

9.A gunfight also unfolded yesterday in Monterrey, northern Mexico as Army and drug hitmen battled it out in a suburban neighbourhood.同时,昨天在蒙特雷北墨西哥的军队与毒贩武装在蒙特雷的近郊发生交火。

10.Shaun Woodward, Northern Ireland secretary, said the Bombardier investment was "a major boost to the economy of Northern Ireland" .北爱尔兰事务大臣肖恩-伍德沃德(ShaunWoodward)表示,庞巴迪投资是“对北爱尔兰经济的一次重大推进”。