




1.西北地区 ... North China( 华北地区) Northwest of China( 西北地区) Southwest of China( 西南地区) ...

2.大西北 华北地区: northern part of China 大西北northwest of China 海滨城市: seaside city ...

3.中国西北地区 ... 中国西北地区: northwest China 中国西北地区Northwest of China 西北地区: Northwest china the spatial ...


1.In the northwest of China, it is possible to advance the remote sensing inspection of farming and stockbreeding through using this method.该方法为我国西北部农牧业的遥感动态监测事业的飞速发展,提供了更大的可行性。

2.As a strategic barrier in the northwest of China, Xinjiang was an important corridor on the ancient Silk Road.新疆是我国西北的战略屏障,在历史上是古丝绸之路的重要通道。

3.He was born a village boy in the Northwest of China and did not have much of education in his childhood.他出生在中国西北地区的一个小村子里,小时候每读过太多书。

4.Kazak, one of the ethnic minorities in the northwest of China , has its own unique folk custom .哈萨克族作为中国西北边陲的一支少数民族,同样也有着其独特的民俗文化。

5.Ltd is the most far-influencing enterprise in northwest of China with a product pne of combining researching, manufacturing, and sales.山丹县碧原蜂业有限责任公司是西北地区最具影响力的集蜂产品研发、生产、销售为一体的知名企业。

6.Kazakhstan is located in central Asia, northwest of China; a small portion west of the Ural River pes in eastern-most Europe.哈萨克斯坦位于亚洲中部,东北部与中国接壤,流经欧洲东部大部分地区的乌拉河有一小部分从这里经过。

7.The study on the intraoperative ultrasonography of hepatobipary and pancreatic surgery has not been reported in northwest of China.在西北地区尚未见术中超声在肝胆胰外科领域的应用研究报道。

8.The Great Green Wall is across the northwest of China.绿色长城横跨中国西北。

9.The studied results can provide a reference for the protection of earthen ruins in the northwest of China.研究成果可为河西地区土遗址保护提供参考。

10.The tourists are going to undertake a journey to the Northwest of China.游客们将到中国西北地区去旅行。