




1.不是我 4. Cat got your tongue? 你的舌头打结了吗? 1. Not me. 不是我. 2. Not today. 不要今天啦. ...

2.我可不要了 Me too. -- 我也喜欢。 ---- Not me. -- 我可不要了。 a. 在介词 ...

3.我才不呢 ... No more hesitating for you. 你不能再犹豫啦! Not me 我才不呢! But you don't know me 可你还不了解 …

4.那不是我 ... a long long time ago 就孤独的吹灯拔蜡了 Oh no,not me 不,那不是我 We never lost control 我从来都没失控 …

5.而不是我 The winds talk to my sails 海风正在和我的船帆交谈 Not me 而不是我 ...

6.非我开来,婴儿内化并认同一个「好的」我,同时将不好的「非我」(not me)分裂掉,再将之投射到(project)外在世界,这是一种 …

7.反正不是我 ... A long,long time ago 在很久很久之前 Not me 反正不是我 We never lost control 我们从没有丢失自我 ...


1.Why Not Me? You've been lookin' for love all around the world Baby , don't you know this country girl's still free? Why not me ?你在世界的各个角落遍寻爱情宝贝,你知不知道我仍然形影孑立为何不与我携手相依?。

2.My dear, everyone has the right to decide on their own, I decided to choose you. Not me silly. For you and me really be used for the heart.亲爱的,每个人都有权力决定自己,我决定选择你。不是我傻。对你我真的用了心。

3.And when I'm here with a guest, you get served first, not me. It's the height of bad manners. I shall bring it up tonight at our meeting. '“有一个服务生穿的袜子不成对儿。还有,我在这里跟客人用餐时,先得到服务的应该是你,不是我。这是严重的错误做法。今晚开会时我要说一说。”

4.I tell you before God, James, I did not kill your father. It was not me. I knew nothing about it nothing!在上帝面前,詹姆斯,我告诉你,我没有杀死你的父亲。不是我杀的。我对此一无所知一点儿也不知道!

5.Thankfully it's more pkely to be a huge company, pke the Royal Bank of Scotland, that suffers with your toxic debt, and not me or you.谢天谢地这些债权人一般都是那些像是苏格兰皇家银行这样的大公司,而不是你和我。

6.and I kept trying to understand why she had met him first and not me, and why such a terrible mistake in our pves need have happened.且我一直想弄清楚为什么她先碰到的是他而不是我,为什么在我们的生活里要发生这么一个可怕的错误。

7.I had no authority over you except to call you but ye pstened to me: then reproach not me, but reproach your own souls.我对你们本来没有什么权力,不过是我召唤你们,而你们响应我的号召。

8.One time she called home asking her mother why her aunt to let the parents, why her and not me or other people?有一次她打电话回家质问妈妈为什么要让她在姑妈家长大,为什么是她而不是我或者其他人?

9.Because honestly, I feel sorry for you, who are going to have to tell this to your children one day. Not me.说真的,我真的很替你遗憾,因为是你得跟你的孩子说这句话,而不是我。

10.You are not me, you do not know a girl for the most important thing is what you allow me to lose all.你不是我,所以你不知道我为你失去了女孩子最重要的东西。我真傻!