

not yet

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1.尚未基督执掌王权的国度。这个国度既是已经(already)应验在“教会”(新以色列),但也是 还未应验(not-yet),要等到基督再来时 …

4.还不“还不”(not-yet)体现了物质过程具有“趋势”特征。27 它并不纯粹是人类学的范畴。


6.还不曾他们把眼光投向未来,把希望放到未来,他们期望从未来得到还不曾not-yet)存在的事物。已经发生的事会不可逆转地进入 …

7.未完成哲学家布洛赫(Ernst Bloch)指出人是一个未完成not-yet)的存在。不过这个漂亮的说法尽管打破了经典理解,但还是有些 …

8.未完成的层面但是,我们的救恩还有另一个未完成的层面not-yet),我们还要等待这会朽坏的身体被赎(罗八19-25)。身体的被赎,是当 …


1.He said the Pentagon had not yet assessed the damage that the missiles had caused and would not be able to do so until dawn broke in Libya.五角大楼尚未评估这些导弹的破坏,也无法这样做,直到利比亚天亮再说。

2.We are not yet prepared to take the question of sole agent into consideration for the time being.咱们目前还不预备斟酌有关独家代理的问题。

3.But those who had loved Marguerite were beyond counting, and those whom she had loved had not yet begun to be counted.但是那些爱过玛格丽特的人是不计其数的,而被她爱过的人则还没有计算呢。

4.Mr Zhou said the fund did not yet know how such partnerships would be structured.周超表示,该基金还不知道这种伙伴关系的结构将是怎样的。

5.But it found pttle investor interest in the United States for an early-stage medical device company that had not yet made a profit.但公司发现,国内没什么投资者对自己这种处于起步阶段还未获得盈利的医疗设备公司感兴趣。

6.Typically, you add an Assert. Inconclusive statement to a test that you are still working on to indicate it is not yet ready to be run.通常,向仍在处理的测试添加Assert.Inconclusive语句可指示该测试尚未准备好,不能运行。

7.The company said it had not yet set a business plan for 2009.现代汽车尚未订定2009年的业务计划。

8.Beckham has not yet commented if it was the bracelet that helped him get back to peak fitness and finally back on the field in September.贝克汉姆并没有发表言论证实,到底是不是能量手环帮助他重回巅峰状态,并最终在九月回到赛场。

9.He will once more be free to stand, seems to have right of first refusal and has not yet made his choice clear.如今再次拥有参选自由的普京,似乎有优先决定权,而且尚未表明自己的选择。

10.Terry vaidya said the exact cause of the accident has not yet been identified, and said he will soon rushed to the scene of the accident.特里维迪说,事故发生的准确原因目前还未查明,并表示他将尽快赶往事故现场。