




1.与爱无关 《落番》 The Quest 《与爱无关Nothing to Do with Love 《遥远星球的孩子》 Children from the Distant Planet ...

2.与爱情无关 ... Loved,a back injury( 爱一回伤一回) Nothing to do with love( 与爱情无关) Dawn singles( 曙光单曲) ...

3.对爱无计可施 对爱无计可施 nothing to do with love 这无味的日子 the insipid pve ...


1.It's necessary for you to pursue a kind of faith, which has nothing to do with love, marriage, or men.女人30岁,有必要去追求一种信仰,那种信仰与爱情、婚姻、男人、事业无关。

2.Reason had nothing to do with love. It mattered not whether the woman he loved reasoned correctly or incorrectly. Love was above reason.理智与爱情是毫不相干的。他爱上的那个女人是否理智,那没关系。爱情是凌驾在理智之上的。

3.This song has nothing to do with love, but the profound friendship my Swedish friends given to me is deeply rooted in my heart.这首歌曲对于我来讲虽然和爱情无关,但是几位瑞典朋友给予我的深厚友谊却让我铭记至今。

4.Chen's next film, a psychological thriller called "Door" directed by Li Shaohong, will have nothing to do with love.陈的下一部电影,一个心理惊悚片所谓的“门”的导演李少红,将根本与爱。

5.DID her adventure with the engineer teach her that casual sex has nothing to do with love?她与工程师的艳遇告诉她轻浮的性爱与爱情毫不相关吗

6.Rape is not about passion and has nothing to do with love.强奸无关于激情,也无关于爱情。

7.One-off chopsticks, has nothing to do with love.一次性的筷子,与爱情无关。

8.We are happy to pve from day to day, then I know, you love me, you pke I love you. It has nothing to do with love. Pure love.我们开心的过着一天又一天,然后我知道,你也喜欢我,就像我也喜欢你一样。那,与爱无关。纯粹的喜欢。

9.nothing to do with love对爱无计可施