



美式发音: [ˈnoʊtɪs] 英式发音: [ˈnəʊtɪs]




复数:notices  现在分词:noticing  过去式:noticed  搭配同义词

v.+n.issue notice,notice difference,notice sign,attract notice,pretend notice

v.become aware of,see,take in,observe,perceive





n.1.a sign put in a pubpc place that announces something or warns people about something; a pubpshed or broadcast announcement giving information about something2网站屏蔽rmation or a warning about something that is going to happen; the period between the time that you tell someone you are going to do something and the time you do it3.an official document containing a warning, instructions, or information about something4.an article that gives someones opinion of a new movie, play, etc., especially in a newspaper.1.a sign put in a pubpc place that announces something or warns people about something; a pubpshed or broadcast announcement giving information about something2网站屏蔽rmation or a warning about something that is going to happen; the period between the time that you tell someone you are going to do something and the time you do it3.an official document containing a warning, instructions, or information about something4.an article that gives someones opinion of a new movie, play, etc., especially in a newspaper.

v.1.to become conscious of someone or something by seeing, hearing, or feepng them

1.注意的理念,来自对外语学习者的观察,认为文法的习得是由学习者注意(noticing)到某个语言结构特质,在有意义,有目的的沟通活动 …

4.注意到的大部分,在个人避静之外的灵修辅导上也同样适用。在避静之外,灵修辅导员以各种不同的方式来帮助我注意到(noticing) …

5.习得中注意如学习者在完成课堂学习任务时L2的实际使用情况,在习得中注意noticing)的重要性,学习者自我反思的作用;成人课堂 …

6.有意注意为输出不仅可以提高语言的流利性,而且还具有使借 助有意注意noticing)进行假设验证(hypothesis testing)和自觉反思…

7.通知 outstayed vt. 逗留得比...久 noticing n. 通知, 布告, 注意v.注意到 mothers n. 母亲, 妈妈 ...

8.布告 outstayed vt. 逗留得比...久 noticing n. 通知, 布告, 注意v.注意到 mothers n. 母亲, 妈妈 ...


1.A clumsy man not noticing it, had his foot on it for ever so long before he discovered it.一个笨手笨脚的家伙开始没有注意,在上面踩了很久才发现它。

2.Noticing that his hair had turned grayer and that he looked wan, reporters speculated that he was being ushered out the door.记者们注意到他的头发转为斑白,看起来面无血色,怀疑他被扫地出门了。

3.While they are at the bar, John and his friends can't help noticing one man trying to pick up a lady.在酒吧里,John和他的朋友们发现一个男的正在骚扰一位女士。

4.Looking up at the sky and noticing a cloud in the shape of an angel is another way we let you know that we are with you.看著天空里的一朵形似天使的云,这是天使让你知道他们与你在一起的一种方式。

5."What's the matter, Carrie? " said Hurstwood after a time, noticing her quiet, almost moody state.“你怎么啦,嘉莉?”过了一会儿,赫斯渥说,他注意到了她那沉默的、几近忧郁的神态。

6.Mr Yanukovich, by contrast, seems to have waded across the Rubicon without noticing.而亚努科维奇先生好像还不知道自己已经跨越了界限。

7.The caretaking skills were no doubt those of Fiona, on his left; he remembered noticing the tenderness with which she had bathed the Old.照护技能无疑是费欧娜,在他的左边;他记得注意过她温柔的对待她帮忙洗过澡的老人。

8.Sophie was so astonished that she finished her cake without noticing what kind it had been. "Why ten children? "苏菲是如此惊讶,以至于她吃完了蛋糕都没有注意到那是哪一种。“为什么是十个孩子?”

9.At this point I hit the brake, noticing that I had picked up speed in my car as I got lost in the beauty of this new experiment!此时我踩下刹车,我意识到我的已加快了我的车速,在这美丽新体验之中迷失方向。

10.I began by noticing the sunsets, and I had the time to stop and really wonder, at the beauty and the magnitude of it all.一切从我留意到日落那时开始,我能有时间停下来,真正对那日落美景,对那份壮丽感到惊叹。