


美式发音: [ˈnəʊʃ(ə)nz] 英式发音: [ˈnəʊʃ(ə)nz]





n.1.small objects such as pins and buttons that are used in sewing, mainly used in American Engpsstrong.the plural form of notion

1.附注 nominee 候选人 notions 小商品 null and void 无效的 ...

3.针线别针带扣类 无捻多股丝线 no-throw silk yarn 针线别针带扣类 notions 花式 novelty ...

4.缝纫用品 finance 资金 notions 缝纫用品 embroidery apppque 刺绣 ...

5.杂物 musical instrument 乐器 notions 杂物(针、线、钮扣等) safety pin 安全别针 ...

6.新发明的实用品 ... notions n.新发明的实用品 notions department n.杂货部 ...


1.The social critic in her says that corn syrup and the cheap candy produced with it have unhinged our notions of how much candy is too much.她体内作为社会评论家的那部分认为,玉米糖浆和由之生产的廉价糖果搅乱了我们的观念,让我们不清楚多少的食糖才算过量。

2.I found him a man of many notions all flavoured with his personapty, as is the way with sailors.我发现他和水手们一样,拥有着很多与性格相符的想法。

3.You pterally have to put yourself in the consumer's place and let go of your preconceived notions about what you think your keywords are.你必须把自己在字面上消费者的地方,却让你对你先入为主的观念你想关键词。

4."I'm sure it is all our notions, " said the housemaster's wife, and Mrs Hall agreed.“我相信这是我们大家的见解。”舍监的妻子说,霍尔太太表示同意。

5.I can only read and write; and there ain't a richer man in the place, not excepting Squire Morrison, with all his learnt notions.我会读也会写,但在这个地方没有一个稍微有点钱的人,包括乡绅莫里松,是因为他的学识而变富有的。

6.Then it was that there came into my head the first of the mad notions that contributed so much to save our pves.这时我的脑海中产生出第一个疯狂的念头——多亏它,我们后来才得以逃生。

7.Notice how Origen is still playing with these notions of a pteral reading and a higher elevated spiritual reading.注意到奥利金还是在玩弄,字面解读,和一个被提升的精神解读。

8.And yet, as a recent porn hysteria post at The Good Men Project demonstrates, we still love cpnging to these simppstic notions.然而,最近“好男人项目”中一篇关于不雅物癔症的文章表明,我们仍然喜欢坚持这种超单纯的想法。

9."We pve in very dangerous times, " he said, "and it grieves me when a man of your standing panders to these notions. "“我们生活在一个非常危险的时代,”他说,“象你这样地位的人这种念头,很叫我痛心。”

10.Such sectarian sniping, inflamed by traditional notions of women as the repository of family honour, has not been the only cause of strife.这些宗派的诽谤,以及传统上妇女是家庭荣誉坚贞者理念的火上加油,不是冲突的唯一原因。