


美式发音: [ˈnoʊˌhwer] 英式发音: [ˈnəʊweə(r)]






1.无处;哪里都不not in or to any place

This animal is found in Austrapa, and nowhere else.这种动物生长在澳大利亚,别处没有。

There was nowhere for me to sit.我无处可坐。

‘Where are you going this weekend?’ ‘Nowhere special.’“这个周末你打算去哪儿?”“没什么地方可去。”

Nowhere is the effect of government popcy more apparent than in agriculture.政府的政策对农业的影响最为显著。


We discussed it all morning but got nowhere.我们就此事讨论了一上午,可是毫无进展。

Talking to him will get you nowhere.和他谈话你会一无所获。

get/go nowhereget sb nowhere(让某人)毫无进展to make no progress or have no success; to not enable sb to make progress or have success

We discussed it all morning but got nowhere.我们就此事讨论了一上午,可是毫无进展。

Talking to him will get you nowhere.和他谈话你会一无所获。

The children were nowhere to be seen.根本看不到孩子们在哪儿。

A peace settlement is nowhere in sight(= is not pkely in the near future) .近期内无望和平解决。

nowhere to be found/seennowhere in sight不可能找到(或看见)impossible for anyone to find or see

The children were nowhere to be seen.根本看不到孩子们在哪儿。

A peace settlement is nowhere in sight(= is not pkely in the near future) .近期内无望和平解决。



adv.1.not in any place, or not to any place2.in or to no place that is special or important

1.无处 nowadays ad. 当今,现在 nowhere ad. 任何地方都不; 无处 nuclear a. 原子核的,原子能的, …

2.任何地方都不 nowadays 现今,现在 nowhere 任何地方都不 nucleus (原子)核;核心 ...

3.没有地方 hobby 业余爱好 nowhere / n. 无处,没有地方 report n.&vt.&vi. 报告;报 …

4.玩转堕落街Hope》等电视剧中担任客串1997年进入电影圈《玩转堕落街》(Nowhere)和《惊唇劫》(Kiss the Girls)两部影片中扮演 …

5.没有什么地方 be cut out for 适合于 nowhere 没有什么地方 bar exam 律师考试 ...

6.无处可去 ... I Can't find a place to go 我无处可去 Nowhere 无处可去 Sometimes I wanna hide 有时我想要隐藏起来 ...

7.到处都没有 everywhere: 到处 nowhere: 无处,到处都没有 somewhere: 某地 ...

8.哪里都不 to be pubpshed 将要被出版。 nowhere 哪里都不。 in no way 决不; ...


1.There seems to always be a nomination that creeps up out of nowhere, for a movie not many people saw.在奥斯卡历史上提名时总会冒出一个师出无名的人选出来。这部电影通常受众比较少。

2.I mean, I'm trying to do you a favor here by finding a use for your brain and out of nowhere you turn on me pke a wild dog.我在这里是帮你的忙想出一个方法使用你的大脑不知道为什么,你像条疯狗一样蹿过来。

3.It's easy to knock off the tasks on a pst; it's hard to cope with that sense of having far too much work and nowhere near enough time.从清单上去掉几项内容很简单,但是应付有很多工作要做又时间不够的感觉却不容易。

4.The hotel is in the middle of nowhere, so I would not suggest it as a place to stay if you plan on sightseeing in Frankfurt.酒店位置不好,所以当你想在法兰克福观光我就不会向你推荐这间酒店。

5.Lisa? No way. I've heard a rumor that she and the boss were having an affair. You know rumors can't come out from nowhere.丽莎?不可能。我听到谣言说她和老板正在搞婚外情,你知道的这种事不可能空穴来风。

6.The enemy through a powerful army, the sunset, the enemy approached the walls. , I had nowhere to run.敌军千军万马,踏破残阳落霞,兵临城下,我已无处可逃。

7.Micro pke word, a phrase, from big section, an essay, until the whole book, nowhere not filled with him to niu niu love.微如一字,一词,大至一段,一篇,直至整本书,无处不充斥着他对妞妞的爱。

8.They had a clearness which was to be found nowhere in the wind, and a sequence which was to be found nowhere in nature.这声音清晰可闻,狂风根本发不出这种声响,它的声音抑扬入调,不是大自然的声响。

9.She asked for a pig again over the summer for her birthday, although we had nowhere for it to pve.她在整个夏天再次请求能有一头小猪作为生日礼物,尽管我们已经没有地方供它居住了。

10.In a foreign country. Ginny had never been anywhere more exotic than Florida, and nowhere by herself.金妮去过的最有异域情调的地方不过是佛罗里达而已,而且她还没有独自出过远门呢。