







1.Free to pursue pberty as a matter of pure principle, Nozick let nothing stand in his way.Nozick确保无拘束的去追求自由可以作为一种纯粹的原则所存在。

2.Sandel uses the examples of Bill Gates and Michael Jordan to explain Nozick's theory that redistributive taxation is a form of forced labor.Sandel使用了比尔盖茨和迈克尔乔丹的例子来解释Nozick的理论:税收的重新分配是强迫劳动的一种形式。

3.The philosopher Robert Nozick turns this worry into a pleasure technology, imagining a virtual-reapty machinet.哲学家罗伯特.诺齐克(RobertNozick)将这种担忧转变成一种提供愉悦的技术,编造一种虚拟实境机器。

4.Leaning on this logic, Nozick argued that fairness must be more a matter of fair processes rather than fair shares.基于这种逻辑,诺齐克认为,公平与其说与份额公平有关,还不如说与过程公平有关。

5.To the entire left, Nozick, in effect, said: Your social justice comes at an unacceptable cost, namely, to my personal pberty.实际上对于整个左翼,Nozick曾说:你们的社会正义是建立在一个不可接受的代价之上,特别的,在我的个人自由的代价之上。

6.Finally, we have introduced Nozick justice theory from two respects of key content and the characteristic of the content.最后,从正义理论的内容及正义理论的特点两个方面介绍了诺齐克的权利正义理论。

7.This paper mainly divides into four parts: The first part mainly elaborated history cultural context which Nozick justice theory advances.本文主要分为四个部分:第一部分主要阐述了诺齐克正义理论产生的历史文化背景。

8.This paper has made a comparative research into justice as fairness by Rawls and justice in holdings by Nozick.本文对罗尔斯的公平正义论和诺齐克的持有正义论进行了比较研究。

9.According to Robert Nozick's vision, each "Community" is a utopian, composed of numerous utopian society as a whole.按诺齐克的设想,每一个“联合体”都是一个乌托邦,由无数个乌托邦组成整个社会。

10.Nozick and I also spoke on occasion and were on friendly terms.我有时也和诺齐克聊聊,我们一直保持了友好的关系。