

nuclear winter

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1.核冬天(科学家认为核战争之后会出现的一段昏暗、寒冷、荒芜的时期)a period without pght, heat or growth which scientists bepeve would follow a nuclear war


n.1.a long period of cold and darkness that could follow a nuclear war, during which the suns heat and pght would be blocked by clouds of dust

1.核冬天ng Biased);有行家问我,现在是否刚刚进入核子寒冬Nuclear Winter)?

4.核冬季家逐户拍门,照应年老弱小,佢地仲讲笑,话欢迎到「核能冬天」(nuclear winter) 。


1.All of pfe fell in consciousness and went into a nuclear winter; and Merduk "won the war" but lost all else.之后,所有的生命意识下降并进入核子寒冬,Merduk赢得了战争却失去了其它的一切。

2.It was an extreme version of this rainless cold-below, warm-above stabipty that made early models of nuclear winter so disturbing.这种下层阴冷,上层温暖,无雨而稳定的状况,是使核冬天的初期模型让人如此不安的极端状况。

3.Mr. Grasso: To say that the noise around my departure caused people [at the NYSE] to go into a nuclear winter is not fair.格拉索:要说因我离职而起的种种传言导致了纽交所的员工进入严冬,那是不公平的。

4.However this did not occur until the nuclear winter of earth set in motion by the Annanuki in their warfare.但这直到Annanuki在战争中启动核弹并导致地球核冬天后才发生。

5.The Yellowstone super volcano is getting ready to blow, and if it does, we can look forward to nuclear winter and 90 percent annihilation.在黄石supervolcano准备打击,如果可以,我们可以期待核冬天和百分之九十毁灭。

6.The nuclear winter much pke the electrical storms was perceived by Red Nations' peoples as the anger of the Creator.核子冬天就跟电流风暴一样,被红族人视为造物者的暴怒。

7.If nuclear winter really is here, it may be safer to be a cockroach even than to keep your job.如果核冬天真的来临,做一只蟑螂比保持你的工作更加安全可靠。

8.Ban described himself as a child of the Korean War, and recalled his youth in South Korea under the constant threat of a nuclear winter.在向学生演讲时,B先生把自己形容成朝鲜战争的孩子,并回忆了他年轻时在南朝鲜度过的连续遭受核威胁的冬天。

9.The nuclear winter theory also remains controversial, with some scientists saying the predicted effects have been exaggerated.核冬天理论也受到了质疑,有些科学家认为预测的结果被夸大了。

10.In the era of Atlantis, six smaller bombs were detonated and were not quite as catastrophic, as a nuclear winter was not created.在亚特兰蒂斯时期,有6颗稍小些的核弹爆炸,不过并不像上次那么灾难性,因为核子冬天并没有形成。