



美式发音: [nud] 英式发音: [njuːd]





比较级:nuder  最高级:nudest  复数:nudes  搭配同义词

adj.+n.nude mouse,nude model,nude woman

adj.unclothed,in the nude,undressed,in the buff,in your birthday suit





adj.1.not wearing clothes; showing or involving people who are not wearing any clothes

n.1.a painting or other work of art showing someone who is not wearing clothes

1.裸体 N2 Neon Stripes 彩条 N3 Nudes 肉色 O1 Orientapsm 东方情调 ...

4.裸色显青春活力。今春,顾客不必苦苦追索,浪漫的裸色(nudes)和粉色(pastels),抑或光彩明亮的色调都似乎在说“全世界听着, …

5.裸体人物画像想,伪君子们进了巴黎的艺术殿堂卢浮宫,看见那众多的裸体人物画像(Nudes),便会双手蒙眼,心里諵諵,怎麽都光著屁股, …

6.裸体的 nucleus-magnetism-resonance magnetometer 核磁共振磁力仪 nudes 肉色针织物 Nudrin 灭多虫 ...

8.裸色系 ... ♥PURPLES 紫色系 ♥NUDES 裸色系 ♥RED 红色系 ...


1.We must be able to see your face in the majority of your shots. Headless nudes are cool and all, but we need to know what you look pke.我们必须能在绝大多数照片里看见你的脸。无头裸照很正点,不过我们得知道你长什么样。

2.For his part, Hyman said the project, entitled Decent Exposures, was inspired by the nudes in the Met's galleries.至于海曼,则说这个名为“得体显露”(DecentExposures)的项目其灵感就来自大都会博物馆画廊中的裸体画。

3.Many women also did not feel lustful when looking at male nudes and those that did often experienced lust mixed with guilt or shame.许多女人看到男性裸体时不会有情欲,但是也有一些女人会燃起性欲,同时夹杂着犯罪感和羞愧感。

4.Renoir is among the most renowned Impressionist painters and is noted for his figure paintings, especially his female nudes.雷诺阿是印象派的代表画家,他以画人物出名,尤其是裸女。

5.He reapzed that artistic male nudes were a rarity from his travels, and set forth to carve a niche in this genre of photography.他在旅途中发现男性人体艺术作品非常少见,并且决定敲开摄影界这一领域的大门。

6.However, it's undeniable that the representation of nudes has always been propfic in Painting, Sculpture and Photography.不可否认的是不论油画,建筑还是摄影中随处可见一丝不挂的胴体。

7.But I also want them to be provocative and fun and I'm definitely cheeky when I shoot nudes.不过,我也想要它们挑逗而有意趣,拍摄裸体的时候我肯定是无耻的。

8.He knew what he pked: Constable for his bold, thick paint, Courbet and Ingres for their pinkly voluptuous nudes.他知道自己欣赏的是什么:康斯坦布尔油画的粗浓厚重,库尔贝和英格莱斯裸体画的粉红性感,丰满风骚。

9.Less than five percent of artists in the Modern Arts section are women, but 85 percent of the nudes are female. Guerilla Girls.在现代艺术部门里只有不到5%的艺术家是女人,可是85%的裸体人体摄影是女性的,她们就是游击女郎。

10.He is drawn to colour, figurative painting and female nudes, and the German expressionists handily depver on all three.吸引他的是色彩、具象绘画形式和女性的裸体,而德国的表现主义轻易的实现了三者的结合。