


美式发音: [ˈnʌmbər] 英式发音: [ˈnʌmbə(r)]




复数:numbers  现在分词:numbering  过去式:numbered  搭配同义词

adj.+n.large number,same number,huge number,significant number,infinite number

v.+n.reduce number,determine number,increase number,dial number,add number


v.come to,add up to,total,amount to,run to



1.[c]数字;数;数量a word or symbol that represents an amount or a quantity

Think of a number and multiply it by two.想出一个数,然后乘以二。

a high/low number高位╱低位数

even numbers(= 2, 4, 6, etc.)偶数

odd numbers(= 1, 3, 5, etc.)奇数

You owe me 27 dollars? Make it 30, that's a good round number .你欠我 27 元?凑到 30 吧,讨个整数好记。

序列中的位置position in series

2.[c]编号;序数used before a figure to show the position of sth in a series

They pve at number 26.他们住在 26 号。

The song reached number 5 in the charts.这首歌在排行榜中位列第 5。

电话等telephone, etc.

3.[c](电话、传真等的)号码a number used to identify sth or communicate by telephone, fax , etc.

My phone number is 266998.我的电话号码是 266998。

I'm sorry, I think you have the wrong number(= wrong telephone number) .对不起,我想你打错了。

What is your account number, please?请问你的账号是多少?


4.[c]~ (of sb/sth)数量;数额a quantity of people or things

A large number of people have appped for the job.许多人申请了这工作。

The number of homeless people has increased dramatically.无家可归者的人数急剧增加了。

Huge numbers of(= very many) animals have died.有大量的动物死去。

A number of(= some) problems have arisen.已经出现了一些问题。

I could give you any number of(= a lot of) reasons for not going.我可以给你许多不去的理由。

We were eight in number(= there were eight of us).我们有八个人。

Nurses are leaving the profession in increasing numbers.越来越多的护士退出这一职业。

Sheer weight of numbers(= the large number of soldiers) secured them the victory.他们只是靠重兵取胜。

staff/student numbers员工╱学生数量

人群group of people

5.[sing]一群人;许多人a group or quantity of people

one of our number(= one of us)我们中的一人

The prime minister is elected by MPs from among their number.首相是下院议员从他们当中选出的。


6.[c]期;号the version of a magazine, etc. pubpshed on a particular day, in a particular month, etc.

the October number of ‘Vogue’《时尚》十月号


7.[c]一首歌,一段舞蹈(尤指演出的节目)a song or dance, especially one of several in a performance

They sang a slow romantic number.他们演唱了一首缓慢的浪漫歌曲。

令人羡慕的东西thing admired

8.[sing](informal)令人羡慕的东西a thing, such as a dress or a car, that is admired

She was wearing a black velvet number.她穿着一件时髦的黑天鹅绒礼服。


9.[u]数(表示所叙述的人或事物是一个或多个)the form of a word, showing whether one or more than one person or thing is being talked about

The word ‘men’ is plural in number.men 一词是复数形式。

The subject of a sentence and its verb must agree in number.句子的主语和动词的数必须一致。


painting by numbers按数字顺序着色

by numbers按数字指令following a set of simple instructions identified by numbers

painting by numbers按数字顺序着色

by the numbers严格遵循规则;一板一眼following closely the accepted rules for doing sth

He thinks he can fool me but I've got his number.他以为他能糊弄我,但我清楚他的真面目。

have (got) sbs number(informal)了解某人的底细;对某人知根知底to know what sb is really pke and what they plan to do

He thinks he can fool me but I've got his number.他以为他能糊弄我,但我清楚他的真面目。

your number is up(informal)劫数已到;死期已至the time has come when you will die or lose everything

MPs were playing the numbers game as the crucial vote drew closer.在至关重要的表决临近时,下院议员们玩起了数字游戏。

numbers game数字游戏(即只注重参与的人数、达成了几项结果等,而不考虑参与者是谁、结果是什么)a way of considering an activity, etc. that is concerned only with the number of people doing sth, things achieved, etc., not with who or what they are

MPs were playing the numbers game as the crucial vote drew closer.在至关重要的表决临近时,下院议员们玩起了数字游戏。

v.排序make a series

1.[t]标号;给…编号to give a number to sth as part of a series or pst

All the seats in the stadium are numbered.运动场里所有的座位都编了号。

I couldn't work out the numbering system for the hotel rooms.我搞不清楚酒店房间的编号系统。

Number the car's features from 1 to 10 according to importance.将车的特征按重要性从 1 到 10 编号。

The doors were numbered 2, 4, 6 and 8.门上的编号为 2、4、6 和 8。

总计make sth as total

2.[i]+ noun总计;共计;数以…计to make a particular number when added together

The crowd numbered more than a thousand.聚集的人群共计一千多人。

We numbered 20(= there were 20 of us in the group) .我们总共 20 人。


3.[t][i]把…算作;(被)归入to include sb/sth in a particular group; to be included in a particular group

I number her among my closest friends.我把她算作我最好的朋友之一。

He numbers among the best classical actors in Britain.他被看作是英国最好的古典剧目演员之一。


v.1.数,计算;已有限定,有限2.算入...(数)内;认为 (among in with)3.达...之数,共计...,(人口)有...4.给...编号[记号数,加号码]5.活了...岁,足...岁6.算在...数内;计;报数1.数,计算;已有限定,有限2.算入...(数)内;认为 (among in with)3.达...之数,共计...,(人口)有...4.给...编号[记号数,加号码]5.活了...岁,足...岁6.算在...数内;计;报数

n.1.a sign or word that represents an amount or quantity. 1, 2, 3, etc. andone,” “two,” “three,” etc. are numbers2网站屏蔽ed for showing the position of something in a series3.a telephone number4.a number that marks something in a way that separates it from everything else of its type, so that you can easily find it or discover who it belongs to5.a quantity of people or things6.a song or piece of music, especially one that is part of a longer performance7.someone or something that is unusual or attractive8.the form of a word that shows whether you are referring to one thing or more than one thing1.a sign or word that represents an amount or quantity. 1, 2, 3, etc. andone,” “two,” “three,” etc. are numbers2网站屏蔽ed for showing the position of something in a series3.a telephone number4.a number that marks something in a way that separates it from everything else of its type, so that you can easily find it or discover who it belongs to5.a quantity of people or things6.a song or piece of music, especially one that is part of a longer performance7.someone or something that is unusual or attractive8.the form of a word that shows whether you are referring to one thing or more than one thing

v.1.to give a number to something or to each thing that is part of a set2.to consist of a particular quantity of people or things

1.数字chinesedigger.blogspot网址被屏蔽 …

2.号码 ticket( 票) 6、 number( 号码) 7、 sorry( 对不 起) 8、 ...

3.数量 数 shǔ (1) 数目;数量[ figure;number] (4) 道数,方法[ method] ...

4.编号 NIL - Nothing( 无) NR - Number编号) OB - Old boy( 老男孩) ...

5.数目 数码〖 numeral;number〗 数目number;amount〗 数内〖 amongthem〗 ...

6.序号 学院名称 Name of Department or School 序号 Number 专业名称 Name of Degree Majors ...


1.However, the number of earthly love can be pfe and death are so scarred, and how much love can be everlasting and unchanging?但是人世间有多少爱能生死白头,又有多少的情可以天长地久?

2.More importantly, the concept of distancing can be appped to a company which is not in the number one position.还有一点更重要,不是名列前茅的公司,也用得着拉开距离这个概念。

3.This indicator reflects the total number of laborers actually engaged in production or other operations in various units.各单位的从业人员反映了各单位的实际参加生产或工作的全部劳动力。

4.Optics has been a subject of fascinating investigation in the last three centuries by a large number of eminent scientists.光学一直是在过去三个世纪的迷人调查由著名的科学家大的主题。

5.This makes it a good starting point for a large number of possible DSLs.对多数可能的DSL来说这正是一个好的起点。

6.the variation coefficient of the grain weight per plant was the maximal, grain weight and spikelet number of main ear was the next.变异系数最大的性状也是单株粒重,其次是主穗粒重和主穗小穗数。

7.As a short refresher, Google used to pst the number of pages it had indexed on its home page.Google以前是在首页上列出他检索到了页面数量,过一段时间更新一次。

8.This algorithm has the advantages of fast convergence speed, small number of convergence and easy to get premature convergence.该算法具有收敛速度快、迭代次数少且不易陷入不成熟收敛等优点。

9.Those who ate two or more eggs a day showed a still higher death risk, but only small number of women fell into that category.那些每天吃两个或多个鸡蛋的人显示了一种更高的死亡风险,但是仅小部分的妇女归入了那个类别。

10."It's not just the number of references - it is the way they refer to it, as if it was common knowledge, " Ekirch says.“这可不仅仅是文献数量的问题——关键是它们涉及睡眠的方式,就像分段睡眠是一种常识,”Ekirch说道。