



美式发音: [ˈnumərəl] 英式发音: [ˈnjuːmərəl]




复数:numerals  同义词





n.1.a symbol that represents a number

1.数词 Prepositions( 介词) Numerals( 数词) Conjunctives( 连词) ...

2.数字 LETTERS( 字符) NUMERALS数字) ON( 提示用户确认) ...

3.数字的表达 ... Unit 15 Hotel 宾馆 2.Numerals 数字的表达 4.Listening Exercise Script 听力练习 …

4.数字符号 Percentage 百分数 Numerals 数字符号 Common factors and multiples 公因子及公…

5.数码 英文 Engpsh 数码 Numerals 英文音频问题 Engpsh Audio Questions ...

6.数量词 ... 第三章 限定词( DETERMINERS) 第四章 数量词NUMERALS) 第五章 介词( PREPO…

7.数字使用规则 缩写规则(Abbreviations)  C 数字使用规则(Numerals)  D 词汇(Glossary) 10 机读目录(MARC)  MARC (Machine-Reada…


1.The algorithm also kept track of which numerals belonged to which person and whose handwriting was more similar or distinct.通过算法,还进一步记下这些数字相应的书写者以及笔迹较相似或更为不同的人士。

2.Roman numerals do not form a part of the normal figured bass, but may be used in analysis to indicate the root of a chord.罗马数字通常不是数字低音的组成部分,但可用来分析和弦的根音。

3.The invention of adolescence did not change the large Roman numerals of the American script.青春期这个概念的发明并没有改写美国式人生剧本当中的主要章节。

4.Pertaining to data or to physical quantities in the form of numerals.用于修饰或说明由数字组成的数据或物理量。

5.The maximal digits shall be nine Arabic numerals, and may be rounded to at least one place after the decimal point.最大位数为9位阿拉伯数字,最小保留小数点后1位。

6.The fifth Chapter British Tibetan Dunhuang Chapter (S10-S522), said the number of popular instruments and methods of numerals.第五章英藏敦煌文献(S10—S522)通俗文书数词及称数法研究。

7.Since the NFL season extends into the New Year, the Super Bowl uses Roman numerals to identify each game, rather than the year it was held.由于橄榄球赛季延伸到新的一年里,超级碗使用罗马数字,以确定每场比赛,而不是每年举行。

8.Adjacent identifiers, reserved words, numerals, and labels must have one or more separators between them.相邻的标识符、保留字、数字以及标号等,其二者之间必须有一个或多个分隔符。

9.Just mount the numerals and hands directly onto the wall and transform your wall into a giant clock.只要把数字和指针直接安装到墙上,它就能把你的墙壁变成一个巨大的钟。

10.Just the other day my daughter and I were playing with a number puzzle and using our fingers to correlate with the numerals.前天,我和女儿玩一个用手指表现出数字的数字猜谜游戏。