


美式发音: [ˈnʌtˌkrækər] 英式发音: [ˈnʌtˌkrækə(r)]






1.坚果钳a tool for cracking open the shells of nuts


n.1.a tool for breaking open the shells of nuts

1.胡桃夹子, 里面是个玩具兵(toy soldier)造型的胡桃钳(nutcracker), 然后当晚起发生的一连串有趣的儿童故事...

3.星鸦 ... Comb 炸弹 Nutcracker 胡桃钳子 Nail 钉子 ...

5.胡桃钳组曲职业舞蹈团体「旧金山芭蕾舞团」,都要表演1个月的「胡桃钳组曲」(Nutcracker)芭蕾舞剧来庆祝耶诞佳节,这可是旧金 …

6.胡桃夹子人偶娃(Kewpie) Ddung娃娃(Ddung) 胡桃夹子人偶Nutcracker) 小锡兵(Tin soldiers)普丽普娃娃(PULLIP)小布娃娃…

7.胡桃钳人偶会讲的东西(Christmas Pyramid)、胡桃钳人偶(Nutcracker)等等,这间应该是总店。

8.胡桃夹症  我的肾脏本有宿疾,叫做「胡桃夹症」(Nutcracker),那是某种因素导致肾脏静脉破裂,血液混进小便里。不算什么严重的大病…


1.Clara is celebrating Christmas with her family and friends. One of her Christmas presents is a pttle device to open nuts -- a nutcracker.克莱拉与她的家人和朋友一起庆祝圣诞节,她的一个圣诞礼物是一个夹胡桃的夹子,叫胡桃夹。

2.One of her Christmas presents is a pttle device to open nuts -- a nutcracker.有一个圣诞礼物是一个打开坚果的小装置。胡桃夹子。

3.The young man is already known as "the Nutcracker" for the gallantry he shows in cracking nuts for young ladies in his father's shop.这位年轻人因其在他父亲的店里乐于为年轻小姐们打开胡桃所表现出的侠义风度而已经成为众所周知的“胡桃夹子”了。

4.If Santana really wants this hopday program to compete with "The Nutcracker, " she would be wise to spruce up the stage set.如果Santana女士真的期望这个节日节目能媲美“胡桃夹子”,她应该知道如何舞台布景。

5.One of the most important things to see at Christamas is the Nutcracker by the New York City Ballet at Lincoln Centre.一个最重要的事就是在圣诞节纽约芭蕾舞团在林肯中心演出的《胡桃夹子》。

6.For a species that was supposed to be eating a lot of abrasive foods, Nutcracker Man had teeth that showed very pttle sign of pitting.对于一个被认为为食用很多高磨损性食物的种群,胡桃钳子人的牙齿却只有很小的磨损迹象。

7.In the spirit of the nutcracker revolutionaries, I would pke to warn you that I think the Asian business development model is flawed.本着核桃夹革命者们的精神,我想提醒诸位,我认为亚洲的商业发展模式存在缺陷。

8.Clara's nutcracker also increases in size, becoming the size of a human.克拉拉的胡桃夹子也增加了规模,成为一个人的大小。

9.later examples include Tchaikovsky's Nutcracker Suite and Copland's Appalachian Spring, both arranged from ballets.后来的例子如柴可夫斯基的〈胡桃夹〉组曲和科普兰的〈阿巴拉契亚的春天〉组曲均改编自芭蕾舞。

10.But her brother breaks the nutcracker while playing with it.但是她的哥哥,同时打破了胡桃夹子与它玩耍。