


美式发音: [nʌts] 英式发音: [nʌts]








My friends think I'm nuts for saying yes.朋友们认为我答应是疯了。

That phone ringing all the time is driving me nuts !那电话铃一直响个不停,吵得我快要发疯了。

2.~ about sb/sth执着;迷恋;狂热very much in love with sb; very enthusiastic about sth

He's absolutely nuts about her.他绝对迷恋上她了。





int.1网站屏蔽ed for showing that you are annoyed by something

n.1.The plural of nut

1.坚果 一定要尝 Must 坚果 Nuts 肉类 Meat ...

2.果仁 糖果 SWEETS 果仁 NUTS 棉花糖 MALLOW ...

3.螺母 Material and Physical 材料和物理性质 NUTS 螺母 SCREWS 螺钉 ...

4.螺帽 4、screws 螺钉 5、nuts 螺帽 6、washer 垫片 ...

5.我要求审判抗辩成为了影片的线索,也创造出了相当经典的桥段;《我要求审判》(Nuts)中,芭芭拉·史翠姗(Barbra Streisand)的经典 …

6.发疯的 minimal 最小的,最小限度的 nuts 发疯的,发狂的 Piracy 盗版行为 ...

7.坚果类 食物七:莓类 Berries 食物六:坚果类 Nuts 食物九:南瓜籽 Pumpkin ...

8.核桃 berries (草莓) nuts (核桃) seeds (卵子) ...


1.Under repair, common lathe, pins, bolts, nuts, etc, also used to increase the various parts of the surface finish.在修理中,常用车床加工轴、定位销、螺栓螺母等零件,同时也用于增加各种零件的表面光洁度等工作。

2.Some of them have dropped on the ground, I pick up to have a look, ah, many hearts pine nuts was going to break out.有的已经掉在地上,我捡起来一看,呀,一颗颗松子正想往外闯。

3.And I'm with you . . . on the surface, this seems nuts. Then you start peepng it apart pke an onion.你可以听我慢慢说,这就像个坚果,然后你要像剥洋葱那样一点点把它剥开。

4.Cable connections are made to the side of the battery by means of threaded bolts into "cast-in-lead" stainless steel nuts.在蓄电池一侧,利用螺栓拧到“镶铸铝”的不锈钢螺帽上进行馈线连接。

5.Albert did as his mother told him to do, and found that he could easily get the nuts.阿尔贝特照他母亲所说的做,然后发现自己可以轻松地获得坚果。

6.you may not reapze it , a handful of mixed nuts or crisps with your cocktail could actually have as many calories as a regular meal.你可能没注意到,一把坚果或薯片跟鸡尾酒所含的卡路里实际上等于一餐。

7.Magnesium can be in taken from bananas and nuts. Chocolate may also be occasionally taken, but never to be excessive.从香蕉和坚果类中可以摄取镁,偶尔吃点巧克力也可以,但切记不要过量。

8.He said he watched it through his rifle's telescopic lens and described it as very large and without seams, nuts or bolts.他表示他从来复枪的伸缩镜中看到它,并将其描述成一种非常大,没有接缝、螺帽和螺钉的东西。

9.Absolute Maryland for the dark oily paste, with a similar chocolate - nuts, fruit.马里兰净油为深黑色油状膏体,具有类似于巧克力-坚果的果香。

10.Her day would be spent caring for her children, collecting fruits, vegetables and nuts and interacting with the other women in the group.女人每天时间都花费在照顾小孩,采摘野果、蔬菜、坚果,或是和族群中其他女人互动活动上。