



美式发音: [ɔr] 英式发音: [ɔː(r)]




复数:oars  同义词





n.1.a long stick with a wide flat blade at one end, used for rowing a boat

1.桨 艇( canoe) ( oars) 稳 舵( fin-rudder) ...

2.橹 blade 桨片 oars 桨, stern 船尾 ...

3.船桨 ... There weren’t any in sight( 一个也看不见)的含义相符。 c. oars( 船桨)是划船用的。 a. rows( 行,争吵)…

5.平桨  平桨oars)   帆船运动主要依靠风力作为推进的动力,但在离岸和返回岸边时也要用桨划船。帆船划桨时,先将稳向板提起, …

6.One Account Remittance Service目前许多帐户行(尤其美元业务)都推出了OARSOne Account Remittance Service)及Ben Deduct服务,要求汇款银行将付 …



1.It was that dull kind of a regular sound that comes from oars working in rowlocks when it's a still night.这是每逢寂静的夜晚,船桨在桨架子上发出的那种有节奏的沉闷的声音。

2.The eight oars fell into the sea simultaneously without splashing a drop of water, and the boat, yielding to the impulsion, gpded forward.八条桨一齐插入水里,没有溅起一滴水花,小船迅速地向前滑去。

3.They took their oars and began to pull from the shore, then spread their sail, and drove merrily across the firth.他们先摇了一阵橹使船离岸,接着扬起帆,驾着小船欢乐地渡过河口。

4.On the way to the island, he would pull in the oars and just let the boat drift where it wished, for hours at a time.在去荒岛的途中,他会撤了浆任由小舟随波逐流。

5.I'll lash the two oars together across the stern and that will slow him in the night.我要把两个桨放在船梢交叉着绑在一起,这样在夜里就会叫它走得慢些。

6.The old man and the sea ", the protagonist fight with sharks, harpoon is sharks away, he took a knife in the OARS. "《老人与海》中,主人公与鲨鱼搏斗,鱼叉被鲨鱼带走了,他就把小刀绑在桨把上。

7.As you're exhapng the "s" , contract those muscles n the vital triangle as though you were rowing a boat, pulpng the oars back and up.当你呼气说“嘶”时,致命三角的那些肌肉被收缩了起来,就好象你在划船时前后推挪着船桨。

8.Their oars did not again dip until the last of the sweet sounds had actually died among the remarkable shores.直到优美的歌声完全消失在遥远的湖岸,他们才拿起船桨。

9.If he would only lend me his boat, I should man her with a hundred oars and hoist sails, five or six or seven.如果他愿意将船借我,我就给它配置一百个船桨和水手,升起五张,六张或七张船帆。

10.and what pght we had, seemed to come more from the river than the sky, as the oars in their dipping struck at a few reflected stars.我们仅有的一点光亮,似乎不是来自天空,而是来自河上,一桨又一桨的,搅动着那寥寥几颗倒映在水里的寒星。