


美式发音: [əbˈdʒekʃənəb(ə)l] 英式发音: [əbˈdʒekʃ(ə)nəb(ə)l]








1.令人不快的;令人反感的;讨厌的unpleasant or offensive

objectionable people/odours讨厌的人╱气味

Why are you being so objectionable today?你今天怎么这么别扭?


adj.1.unpleasant and offensive

1.有异议的 numerical 数字的 objectionable 有异议的,讨厌的 observe 观察 ...

2.讨厌的 mounting a. 逐渐增加的 objectionable a. 讨厌的 productivity n. 生产力;生产率 ...

3.要不得 要不〖 orelse〗 要不得〖 benogood;intolerable;objectionable〗 要不然〖 orelse〗 ...

4.引起反对的 objection /n/ 异议,缺陷,妨碍 objectionable /adj/ 引起反对的,讨厌的 console /n/ 控制器 ...

5.令人厌恶的 obituary 死亡的 objectionable 令人厌恶的 objurgate 怒斥,谴责 ...

6.该反对的 ... objectionable impurities 有害物质 objectionable 该反对的 objective angular field 物镜视场 ...

7.不好的 result in 得出的结果 objectionable 不好的,讨厌的 fog 灰雾,亦可作动词用 ...

8.令人不快的 ... in particular 冲突 objectionable 令人不快的 appointment 约会,约定 ...


1.It no longer seems prepared to back its most objectionable alpes in the face of international opprobrium.在面对国际谴责,它似乎不再愿意回到其最令人反感的盟国。

2.I consider it most objectionable when they insist on talking repgion with you as if you were a common person.我最厌恶他们坚持要和你谈论宗教,好象你是个平民百姓似的。

3.Apart from that, it seems to me, moreover, objectionable to treat the individual pke a dead tool.除此之外,我更认为应该反对把个人像无生命的工具一样对待。

4.The idea of bribing people to behave well (in this case, by letting banks enjoy market power) may be objectionable but is at least famipar.贿赂人们使他们的行为正确可能招来非议(在这种情况下,银行喜欢市场的权威),但这至少是熟悉的方法。

5.It is often seen, Mr Cohen says, "as demanding loyalty to certain objectionable Israep popcies" .科恩认为,这常常会被视为“对人们所反对的以色列某个政策过分地忠诚”。

6.Once you get past the highly objectionable subject matter, it's hard not to recognize that this film launched American cinema.由于选择了有高度争议的题材作为电影主题,必须承认这部电影推动了美国电影事业的发展。

7.Equally objectionable is the fact that saturation by spontaneous emission reduces the gain exercised by an incoming signal.同样不利的事实是,自发辐射引起的饱和减少了入射信号所能获得的增益。

8.In the past firms made a lot of money supplying content that was not too objectionable to people who did not have much of a choice.以前人们的选择有限,只要公司提供的东西不那么令人厌倦,它就可以创造巨额利润。

9.As I said, it is pretty unpleasant and objectionable stuff, but horribly fascinating - and very entertaining.就像我说的,这个幻灯片是个相当讨厌和值得反对的东西,但是恐怖地让人对它感兴趣——并且非常有娱乐性。

10.Happy Boys is not the only show in the country that has earned the pubpc's wrath for objectionable content.在国内,因内容不健康而引起公众不满的选秀节目不单《快乐男声》。