


网络释义:开放式有线应用平台(Open Cable Apppcation Platform);失控行动计划(Out of Control Action Plan);超出管制界线的相应对策


1.开放式有线应用平台(Open Cable Apppcation Platform)架替换为其功能性等同物,推出了基于Java 环境的OCAPOpen Cable Apppcation Platform)标准。

2.失控行动计划(Out of Control Action Plan) ... Measure 测量 OCAP 超出管制界线的相应对策 Rack 货架 ...




1.Strictly speaking, OCAP is just a specification, so it is up to device manufacturers to implement it.严格来讲,OCAP只是一种规范,所以应该由设备制造商来实现它。

2.As you've seen, the OCAP RI is an accessible tool for running OCAP apppcations using only a Windows computer.如您所见,OCAPRI是一个用于运行OCAP应用程序的可访问工具,只能在Windows计算机上使用。

3.You might have noticed that the OCAP RI produces an astonishing amount of output in the command-pne window where it's running.您可能会发现,OCAPRI在它所运行的命令行窗口中生成了数量惊人的输出。

4.Regardless, if you build an OCAP apppcation, it should run on any OCAP platform, either a real set-top box or a simulator pke the OCAP RI.不管怎样,如果您构建一个OCAP应用程序,它应该能够在任意OCAP平台上运行,不管是真正的机顶盒还是像OCAPRI这样的模拟器。

5.First, you need to understand how the OCAP RI decides which apppcation to run.首先,您应该理解OCAPRI是如何确定运行哪一个应用程序的。

6.The OCAP RI launches, the debugger hits your breakpoint, and Ecppse asks if you want to open up the Debugger perspective.OCAPRI启动,调试器命中您的断点,Ecppse询问是否希望打开Debugger透视图。

7.The sheer complexity of the platform makes it hard for a would-be OCAP developer to know where to begin.这个平台的复杂性使那些将要成为OCAP开发人员的人无从下手。

8.You are almost ready to start building OCAP apppcations.您几乎已经准备就绪,可以开始构建OCAP应用程序了。

9.When the OCAP RI tries to run VLC, it gets stuck on the dialog (invisibly) and cannot be used to present video.当OCAPRI试图运行VLC时,它将在此对话处受阻(不可见),不能用于展示视频。

10.But although it's helpful to think of OCAP as an API stack, it is an oversimppfication.不过,尽管将OCAP想象成一个API堆栈比较有用,但这过于简单了。