




1.搏命单刀夺命枪 胡鹏,魏海峰 The Samurai 搏命单刀夺命枪 Odd Couple 刘家荣 My Life’s on a Line ...

2.貌合神离的夫妻 ... Man in suits 假正经;装腔作势的人 Odd couple 貌合神离的夫妻;同床异梦的夫妻 Pad the bill 报假账;做 …

3.同床异梦的夫妻 ... Man in suits 假正经;装腔作势的人 Odd couple 貌合神离的夫妻;同床异梦的夫妻 Pad the bill 报假账;做 …

4.奇特的一对 ... 第二章i奇特的一对 Odd Couple 第二章i奇特的一对 0_Gouple ...

5.搏命单刀夺鸣枪 ... 1978年 老虎田鸡 Dirty Tiger Crazy Frog 1979年 搏命单刀夺命抢 Odd Couple 1981年 咸鱼番生 By Hook or By Croo…

8.出人意料互不相配的一对 ... in couples 成对地 odd couple 出人意料互不相配的一对 thermal couple [电]热电 …


1.Diego: "us" ? You two are a bit of an odd couple.山君迪亚哥:“我们”?你们这一种夫妻还真少见。

2."US" ? You two are a bit of an odd couple.“我们”?你们两个看起来不像一对啊?

3.As marriages go, they are something of an odd couple.就联姻来说,两者的搭配可是有点怪异。

4.He suggests that originally this odd couple was a pair of ordinary stars orbiting each other.他指出这两个星球最初只是彼此环绕运行的一对普通恒星。

5.They're an odd couple in every sense but a monkey and a pigeon have become inseparable at an animal sanctuary in China.他们是一对奇怪的夫妻,但是一只猴子和鸽子在中国的动物避难所里变得难舍难分。

6.Their two parties continue to fight, but Tsvangirai describes the odd couple's meetings as "cordial . . . not acrimonious" .两党的斗争还在继续,但是茨万吉拉伊形容这两个心存芥蒂的人之间的会谈是“真诚的······没有什么不和谐。”

7.That odd couple would have been divorced if they didin't think of their kids.如果不是考虑到孩子,那对貌合神离的夫妻早就分开了。

8.As the world begins recovering from the worst financial crisis in 70 years, an odd couple of winners have emerged: stocks and gold.全球开始从70年来最严重的金融危机中复苏之际,出现了一对奇怪的赢家:股市和黄金。

9.In his professional pfe, he was exploring the way moods affect memory, and the odd couple got him thinking.由于当时他在工作中正在探索情绪影响记忆的方式,因此那对奇怪的恋人引起了他的思考。

10.But these odd-couple relationships can be fraught with peril.不过貌合神离的合作关系充满着许多危机。