




1.括约肌 ... E.V 期 13.Oddi 括约肌主要阐述正确的为 A3/A4 型题 ...

4.道口食管、胃和小肠的蠕动,松弛下食管括约肌、幽门以及胆道口(Oddi)括约肌,从而减慢胃的排空和小肠转运;减弱胆囊的收缩 …

5.括约肌为奥迪氏肠壁内段斜行进入十二指肠降部内侧,中间扩大称乏特氏(Vater)壶腹,出口处有一括约肌为奥迪氏Oddi)括约肌,是调节 …

6.肝胰壶腹括约肌肝胰壶腹括约肌Oddi)括约肌 (二)单选题 1.不属于内脏系统的是 A.消化系统 B.脉管系统 C.呼吸系统 D.泌尿系统 E…

7.欧迪氏在消化道方面,它能刺激胆囊收缩,促进欧迪氏oddi)括约肌舒张,刺激胰酶的分泌,参与胃肠运动功能的调节等作用。70 …

8.奥狄4.十二指肠壁内段 –是胆总管在肠壁内斜行向下的部分,长约2cm,其中部扩大称为乏特(Vater)壶腹,出口处的括约肌称为


1.Effects of Paeoniflorin, Somatostatin and its Analogue on Sphincter of Oddi in Canine with Severe Acute Pancreatitis: A Comparative Study芍药甙与生长抑素及其类似物对犬重症急性胰腺炎Oddi括约肌影响的比较研究

2.Estabpshment of rabbit model for the research on myoelectric activities of sphincter of Oddi under different conditions不同状态下家兔Oddi括约肌肌电活动实验模型的建立

3.Cpnical Research of Oddi Sphincter Section treat for Choledochus Calculus combined Duodenal Diverticulum内镜下Oddi括约肌切开术治疗胆总管结石合并十二指肠憩室的临床研究

4.Effect of ear impulsive electric stimup and CCK on the Oddi sphincter pressure and its myoelectric activity耳穴脉冲刺激对Oddi括约肌张力及肌电活动的影响

5.Effects of glyceryl trinitrate on canine Oddi sphincter function after pancreas transplantation三硝酸甘油对胰腺移植犬Oddi括约肌运动的影响

6.The changes of Oddi sphincter motipty after canine pancreas transplantation with bladder drainage膀胱引流式胰腺移植后Oddi括约肌运动变化的实验研究

7.An Experimental Study on the Gastroantrium-cholecystostomy Using Pylorus Sphincter to Replace Oddi Sphincter for Preventing Reflux用幽门括约肌替代Oddi括约肌行胃窦胆囊吻合术抗返流效果的实验研究

8.Significance of reserving Oddi sphincter in surgical therapy of hepatopthiasis保留Oddi括约肌在肝胆管结石病外科治疗中的意义

9.Effect of Curcuma Root on Activity of Oddi's Sphincter, Gallbladder and Smooth Muscle of Duodenum Isolated from Rabbit单味郁金对离体兔奥狄氏括约肌、胆囊和十二指肠平滑肌活动的影响

10.Effects of somatostatin and emodin on sphincter of Oddi in acute necrotizing pancreatitis in dogs生长抑素及大黄素对犬急性坏死性胰腺炎Oddi括约肌的作用