


美式发音: [ˈoʊðənsei] 英式发音: [ˈəuðənsei]





un.1.city and port in south central Denmark, on the island of Fyn.

1.欧登塞 (Hong Kong, 香港) (Odense丹麦) (Tokyo, 日本) ...

5.丹麦欧登塞 postfile_…

7.欧登斯 哥本哈根 Copenhagen 欧登斯 Odense 颂德堡 Sonderborg ...

8.丹麦的欧登塞在丹麦的欧登塞Odense)动物园,两只基友帝企鹅如今在一起快一年了。阅读 ┆ 评论 ┆ 转载┆ 收藏 查看全文>> 蔡康永:学 …


1.For your information, the parcel will have to be transshipped at Copenhagen, as there is no direct vessel saipng from Shanghai to Odense.特告,因为没有从上海到奥登塞的直达船,此批货物将不得不在哥本哈根转船。

2.H. C. Andersen was born under extremely poor conditions in the Danish town Odense as the son of a shoe-maker and a washer-woman.安徒生诞生在丹麦奥登塞镇的一个非常贫困的家庭。他的父亲是个鞋匠,母亲是一个洗衣女工。

3.Born on April 2, 1805, in Odense, Denmark, Andersen was an emotional, yet imaginative, child.安徒生1805年4月2日出生于丹麦欧登塞,他是一个多愁善感而富于想象力的孩子。

4.Anderson's works are staged in Odense, with children and visitors acting out the parts.安徒生的作品正在Odense上演,孩子和游人分别扮演剧中的角色。

5.All Odense took part in the great celebration for the shoemaker's son who was now the prince of fairy tales.所有欧登赛人都有参加了为鞋匠的儿子、现在的童话王子所举行的欢迎仪式。

6.Author Hans Christian Andersen was born in Odense, Denmark.年,作家汉斯·克里斯蒂安·安徒生在丹麦欧登塞出生。

7.Born in the small town of Odense, Denmark in 1805, Andersen's pfe was not easy.安徒生于1805年出生在丹麦的欧登赛小镇里,当时的他生活的不太容易。

8.Andersen was born in a one-room house in Odense , Denmark on April 2, 1805.安徒生于1805年4月2日在丹麦欧登塞的一座一室房子内出生。

9.Here are some pic for Odense city, the day we went was snowing, pke wonderland!接下来是小镇欧登塞的一些图片,我们去的那天在下大雪,真是跟童话世界一样!

10.These are kept today in the Andersen Museum, which is in the house where he was born in Odense.今天,所有这些都有保存在他在欧登陆赛出生的那间房子——安徒生展览馆中。