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网络释义:经济合作与发展组织(Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development);经合组织;经济合作暨发展组织



1.经合组织,经济合作与发展组织(工业化国家鼓励贸易和经济发展的组织)Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development (an organization of industrial countries that encourages trade and economic growth)

abbr.1.(=Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development)经济合作与发展组织


abbr.1.(=Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development)

n.1.[International Organizations ]Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development

1.经济合作与发展组织(Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development)经济合作与发展组织oecd)的出版物,每年两次。提供了25个成员国的发展趋势、政策、计划等内容。

2.经合组织经合组织(oecd)的报告指出,在葡萄牙工作3年的外国移民比例已经达到35,在2006年,有超过6成的外国移民为了和家人团聚 …

3.经济合作暨发展组织依经济合作暨发展组织(OECD)认为,经济性阶级中的下层阶级的标准(贫穷线),大约是日所得三十美元。而依中国大陆估计, …


5.经济合作和发展组织经济合作和发展组织(OECD) http://www.oecd.org/ 世界银行 http://www.worldbank.org/ 国际教育成就评价协会(IEA)http://ww…

6.经济合作及发展组织但经济合作及发展组织OECD)日前公布的幸福指数显示,根据各国的住屋、收入、环境、教育等11项指标,最幸福国家依 …

7.世界经合组织世界经合组织(OECD)日前发布报告,称中国最早可能在2016年取代美国,成为世界第一大经济体。这样算,中国经济全面“超欧 …

8.经济合作开发组织根据经济合作开发组织(OECD)发表的经济报告,2007年韩国的GDP总量为9799亿美元,排名世界第十三,在东亚国家中仅位 …


1.Darpng dismissed the OECD forecast, sticking to his prediction that we will begin to come out of recession around the turn of the year.达林对OECD的预测不屑一顾,继续坚持他的预言:英国经济在今年末,明年初就会开始复苏。

2.Anyone reading a year ago what the OECD had to say would have been horrified.一年前读到经合组织预测的所有人都会感到惊骇。

3.By the age of 15, 38% of pupils have done so at least once, compared with an average in OECD countries of 13%.15岁的时候,38%的学生留级不止一次,与OECD国家相比,OECD国家只有13%。

4.Mr Key said he thought the OECD's conclusions were overly pessimistic and pointed out that government debt levels were very low.基表示,他认为OECD的结论过于悲观。他还指出,政府债务水平非常低。

5.The OECD said the effectiveness of the UK's asset purchase programme - the so-called quantitative easing programme - was uncertain.OECD认为英国的资产收购计划--也就是所谓的量化宽松计划并不十分奏效。

6.Some 68% of a typical second earner's net income is spent on freeing her to work, compared with an OECD average of 52%.普通家庭中工资第二高者大约68%的净收入都交了出去,以换取她工作的自由。与此对照的是OECD的全球平均数:52%。

7.Figures released from the OECD have shown how much the financial crisis has changed the jobs market.OECD发布的结果显示,金融危机强烈地影响了就业市场。

8.The OECD harmful tax practices guidance thus seems to fall short of international law in the formal sense of treaty or custom.经合组织有害的税收做法的指导从而似乎是属于在正式的条约或习惯国际法意义上的短。

9.The OECD says that there is hardly any other country in which immigrants have such a low level of education as in Germany.OECD(经济合作发展组织)表示很难找到其他国家的移民像德国的移民教育水平如此的低。

10.Migrants working in the 30-OECD nations come from all over the world - in the case of the United States, many hail from Latin America.在30个经合组织成员国中,移民劳工来自世界各地。美国有许多来自拉丁美洲的移民劳工。