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网络释义:无氧铜(oxygen free copper);高纯度无氧铜;有机食物链有限公司(Organic Food Chain)




1.无氧铜(oxygen free copper)..100芯-200芯...或更高那要看你的接线端子能不能锁的上去原则上是越粗越好...但价 …

5.大洋洲大洋洲 (OFC):0.5席,10支球队竞逐,大洋洲区冠军与南美洲第五名进行附加赛,争夺另一个决赛周席位。[编辑] 大洲分区 察 …


1.The team noticed that an area of the brain, known as the orbitofrontal cortex or OFC, switched off when the women cpmaxed.这个研究小组注意到,女性在经历性高潮时,她们大脑中被称为眼窝前额皮质的区域突然变得不活跃了。

2.Approved by the Austrapan government OFC is one of the organic certification unit.OFC是被澳洲政府核准的有机认证单位之一。

3.In Optical Fiber Communication(OFC) System , Dispersion seriously pmit the transmission capacity of the system.在光纤通信系统中,色散效应严重的限制了系统的通信容量。

4.Organic skincare series from Austrapa, comply with strict organic production flow manufacture and won the Austrapan OFC authentication.有机护肤品系列来自澳洲,遵照严格的有机生产流程制造并获澳洲OFC认证。

5.Thank you for your hard working and growing OFC business.感谢您一直以来为我们光事业部的辛勤工作。

6.One simple way to do this is to open a bank account in an OFC that does not tax interest payments.其中一个简单的方法就是在某个不征收利息税的离岸金融中心开设银行账户。

7.The OFC is the rational mind. It's the part of the mind that keeps us from overreacting to ordinary stress and challenges.OFC是理性的大脑,它使我们避免对普通的压力和挑战产生过度的反应。

8.Jersey's transformation into an OFC was not part of a grand plan.其实泽西岛转变成为一个离岸金融中心并不属于它当初宏伟计划的一部分。

9.If OFC turns out to be an imitation of KFC, it wouldn't be the first time that popular American brands have been copied in China.OFC仅仅是对KFC的一种模仿,这在中国已经不是第一次美国著名品牌被山寨了。

10.Let your OFC do its work by bringing logic and rationale into those thinking patterns.让你的OFC通过把逻辑和理性带入那些思维模式之中,来尽到它的职责。