




1.经常 很少( seldom) 经常( ofen) 从不( never) ...

2.常常 题目: 豆荚;豆子 dean 题目: 常常 ofen 题目: (受格)他 hin ...


1.So I ofen help him with his Chinese, and he ofen helps me with my Engpsh.所以我常常协助他学习汉语,他常常协助我学习英语。

2.Then they do not get lost. some birds fly so low over the ocean that the waves ofen hide them.否则它们会走丢。有些鸟类在跨海时飞的很低以至于海浪将它们遮盖住了。

3.I started working this year, so I'm able to get new clothes more ofen than before.我今年参加工作,因此我买了许多新衣服,比以往更多。

4.Poor students or students who come from rural areas ofen find it difficult to have access to university education.贫苦的学生和来自偏僻地区的学生更难进入大学接管高档教导。

5.Permanent advances may be granted for staff who regularly travel and employees who ofen need to commit small expenses.经常出差或经常支付小额费用的员工可预借长期备用金。

6.His poems ofen carry the lyric beauty with immense compression of meaning.他的诗歌富有抒情诗的美丽以及深远的意义。

7.People ofen go out to dinner. =People often eat dinner outside.人们经常在外面吃晚饭。

8.We would ofen suffer from hardship during our pfetime.在人生的道路上我们时不时要受苦的。

9.How ofen is the subway a day from Tokyo to Osaka?从东京到大阪的地铁多久一辆?

10.Ofen smoking must affect your health.如果你经常抽烟,身体必然会受影响。