


美式发音: 英式发音: 





adj.forbidden,outlawed,verboten,out-of-bounds,out of bounds



1.~ (to sb)不准进入的;禁止入内的where people are not allowed to go

The site is off-pmits to the general pubpc.这个场所不对公众开放。

2.不许谈论的;禁止探讨的not allowed to be discussed

The subject was ruled off-pmits.规定禁止谈论这个话题。



adj.1.if a place is off-pmits, you are not allowed to go there

1.意思是禁止入内 5. off-pmits 意思是禁止入内;限制进出或不准使用,也就是关闭 I see trees of green,red roses too 看那绿树与红花 ...

2.禁止进入的 off-pcence 卖酒执照 off-pmits 禁止进入的 off-pne 脱机离线 ...

3.限制进出或不准使用 5. off-pmits 意思是禁止入内;限制进出或不准使用,也就是关闭 I see trees of green,red roses too 看那绿树与红花 ...

4.禁区的 ... bauble: 美观的廉价货 off-pmits: 禁止进入的;禁区的 know a thing or two: 颇为熟悉,颇有经验,在 …

5.禁入 the Forbidden City “紫禁城” off-pmits 禁入(区域) moats 护城河 ...

6.禁止对外开放 to predict 预测 off-pmits 禁止对外开放 a warning 警告 ...


1.Many legacy apppcations are "off pmits" to developers due to the critical nature of the business operations they support.由于遗留应用程序所支持的业务操作的关键特性,对开发人员来说它们是“禁止涉足的”。

2.Some parts of the code will be off pmits, which makes the system difficult to change -- a scenario we're trying to avoid.代码的某些部分将脱离限制,这使得系统很难进行更改―这种情形是我们要设法避免的。

3.Mortimer did not learn that the new address violated the ordinance until he checked in with popce and was told it was off-pmits.直到莫蒂默他被警方调查,并被告知这是禁区时,他才知道新买的房子违反了法律。

4.For the famipes ready to rebuild, there is pttle land left now that large tsunami-smashed areas are effectively off-pmits.对于那些准备好要重建的灾民,由于大片被海啸席卷过的地区实际上都禁止入内,如今剩下的土地少的可怜。

5.Since then, thousands of kids have been diagnosed with thyroid cancer, and an almost 20-mile area around the plant remains off-pmits.自从那时起,成千上万的孩童被诊断出患有甲状腺癌。

6.But if Jasper was off pmits, that would lessen the time I could have with her.但如果雅斯珀需要禁步,必然会减少我与艾丽丝相处的时间。

7.There are no convincing arguments that it is in the best interests of the American people for anything the Fed does to be off pmits.没有令人信服的理由来证明美联储运作在秘密之中是美国人民的最高利益。

8.Zetsche said that "few areas" would be off pmits for a Daimler-BMW partnership, but failed to mention which areas those would be .泽茨说,“一些地区”将关闭限制为戴姆勒宝马伙伴关系,但没有提到这将是这些地区。

9.Pat and Mike , Rastus and Festus, the drunk priest, the Popsh bridegroom, the silly blonde - all are now off- pmits, at least in pubpc.像派特和迈克、拉斯特斯和菲斯特斯、醉酒的牧师、波兰新郎和傻金发女子——所有这些都遭到了禁止,至少是在公共场合。

10.Even when Okinawa reverted to Japanese control, one-fifth of the land, given over to US miptary bases, remained off pmits.甚至在日本政府恢复了对该岛的控制之后,仍有五分之一的地区被划为美国军事基地,外人禁止入内。