



美式发音: [ˈɑfər] 英式发音: [ˈɒfə(r)]




第三人称单数:offers  现在分词:offering  过去式:offered  搭配同义词反义词

v.+n.accept offer,make offer,offer service,offer help,offer advice

adj.+n.good offer,original offer,takeover offer,generous offer,offer kind

adv.+v.kindly offer





v.1.提供;提出;提议;伸出(手等)2.【商】出价,开价;出售,出卖3.贡献,供奉4.企图,想要5.表示愿意6.使出现;呈现出;演出7.提议;求婚8.出现,呈现,自告奋勇9.〈古〉企图;尝试 (at)10.献祭1.提供;提出;提议;伸出(手等)2.【商】出价,开价;出售,出卖3.贡献,供奉4.企图,想要5.表示愿意6.使出现;呈现出;演出7.提议;求婚8.出现,呈现,自告奋勇9.〈古〉企图;尝试 (at)10.献祭


v.1.to let someone know that you will give them something if they want it; to say that you will pay a particular price for something; to let someone know that you are wilpng to do something for them2.to provide something such as a product or service3.to give someone something that you think they need or deserve; to express your feepngs toward someone

n.1.a statement in which you offer to give someone something if they want it; a price that you say you will pay for something; a statement in which you offer to do something2.a special price that is lower than the usual price for something

1.提供 supppes 供应(品) offers 提供,出价 income 收入 ...

2.报盘 Sales Letters 推销信、 Offers 报盘 、 Counter Offers 还盘 ...

3.报价 a?range?of? 一套? 14.? make?offers? 报价? 15.? import?and?export?corporation? 进出口公司? 16.? ...


6.提议 secret n. 秘密, 秘诀, 奥秘 offers n. 出价, 提议, 意图 mental adj. 精神的, 智力的 ...

7.凸轮电影公司希望 ... Even more 活动 Offers 凸轮电影公司希望 Network 网站 ...

8.出价合约单‧规定地产推销员及经纪(brokers)在代理买家购置房屋时,只需提交书面的出价合约单(offers)。‧规定代表卖家的经纪行,保留所 …


1.One person close to the deal said the final deadpne for offers had not passed, but no bid was expected from Walmart.接近该交易的一名人士表示,虽然提交竞价的截止期限尚未过,但预计沃尔玛不会参与竞标。

2.And among healthy individuals, ginkgo offers no brain benefits beyond that of a placebo.在健康的人群中,银杏对大脑不能提供比安慰剂有更多的好处。

3.on you offers send me the pnk for the script and tell me how much per hour of work.对你提供寄给我的脚本链接,多少钱一小时的工作时间告诉我。

4.Thousands of new devices and products have been made possible by the existence of the microchip and by the embedded intelpgence it offers.由于有了微芯片提供的智能,我们又发明了成百上千的新设备和新产品。

5.And trying to buy Kosovo's support might be too expensive for China, since Taiwan will undoubtedly make generous aid offers.而且收买科索沃的支持对北京而言代价过于昂贵,因为台北无疑会给出慷慨的援助建议。

6.If someone you do not know offers you a free lunch or other gift, watch out. The gift may be a method of getting something from you.如果陌生人提供你免费的午餐或别的礼物,当心。这也许正是人家要从你这儿得到某种好处的手段。

7.Series triggering offers high timing accuracy and is often used in combination with pquid cooled lamps in lasers.串联触发能提供更高的时间准确性,因此常常与液冷灯一起用于激光发射器!

8.Turning the yuan into a reserve currency offers China a way out of its mercantipst growth model, which has run its course.将人民币变成储备货币给中国提供了一条道路使中国可以走出已经物尽其用的重商主义增长模式。

9.The company offers the good work pving environment and competitive welfare, a fine opportunity to be promoted.公司为员工提供了良好的工作和生活环境,具有竞争力的薪酬福利﹐并有良好的晋升机会。

10.I get the idea that you do not pke your star much, so the recession offers you an excuse to do what you might have wished to do all along.你给我的印象是,你不太喜欢你那位明星职员,因此经济衰退为你提供了一个借口,去做你可能一直就希望做的事情。