


美式发音: [ˈɑɡdən] 英式发音: [ˈɔ:ɡdən]

n.奥格登;Charles Kay Ogden 查尔士开伊欧格登



n.1.奥格登2.Charles Kay Ogden 查尔士开伊欧格登

un.1.city and county seat of Weber County in northern Utah, situated at the confluence of the Ogden and Weber rivers, north of Salt Lake City. It is a major rail transport center.

1.奥格登nyon) 大约 6 英里(9.7 公里)长,城市奥格登 (Ogden) 在峡谷的西端,望松水库 (Pineview Reservoir) 大坝是在峡谷的东端。

2.欧格登 Norton 英国 来自南方村落的人 Ogden 欧格登 英国 来自像树流域 Opver 奥利佛 拉丁 平安的人 ...

3.奥格但 MAURY( 莫瑞) OGDEN( 奥克顿) PHYLLIS( 费莉丝) ...

7.犹他州奥格登市我们的列表上有犹他州奥格登市Ogden)、纽约州锡拉丘兹市(雪城市/Syracuse)和田纳西州诺斯维尔市(Knoxville)这样 …


1.He took a Madison car and went direct to Ogden Place, this time walking boldly up to the door. The chambermaid answered his knock.他上了一辆麦迪逊街的有轨电车直奔奥登公寓。这次他大胆地径直走到门口。女仆替他开了门。

2.He hurried to Madison Street and boarded a horse-car, which carried him to Ogden Place in half an hour.他急急走到麦迪生大街,坐上公共马车,半小时后来到了奥登广常嘉莉正打算去散步。

3.The children's father, Tommy Ogden, reportedly found his wife dead when he came home from work.据报道,孩子们的父亲——TommyOgden下班回家后发现妻子死了。

4.An Ogden, Iowa , minister was matching coins with a member of his congregation for a cup of coffee.一个爱荷华州部长奥格登正在为一杯咖啡与他的一个议会成员玩硬币匹配。

5.when harry saw ogden ' s memory in the pensieve , there was a snake nailed to the door.哈利在冥想盆里通过奥格登的记忆看到木屋时,门上还钉了一条死蛇。

6.Daniel Ogden surveys the places, performers, and techniques of necromancy as well as the reasons for turning to it.丹尼尔奥格登调查的地方,演员和技术清道以及原因谈到它。

7.It had only 850 words (and just eighteen verbs) and Ogden said most people could learn it in just thirty hours.它仅仅有850字(动词)和鲍勃·奥格登十八岁就能学会说大多数人在刚刚三十小时。

8.A family is a unit composed not only of children but of men, women, an occasional animal, and the common cold. --Ogden Nash, Family Reunion.家庭是一个有机结合体,其成员不仅包括孩子,而且还包括男人,女人,间或还包括某些动物,还有常见的冷暖世态。——欧顿·纳什。

9.Ogden's Basic Engpsh website is now about 400 pages, some of which are book chapters each of a dozen printed pages.奥格登的基本英文网站,现在大约有400页,其中一些章节,书中的每一个印刷十几页。

10.The range widens significantly east of Ogden, sheltering a high mountain valley known as the Ogden Valley.显着的范围扩大奥格登东,掩护了高山河谷的奥格登谷闻名。