




1.奥肯 ... 比尔.盖兹( Bill Gates) 欧孔( M. Okun) 莫根( G. Morgan) ...

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1.In this recession, however, Okun's law did not work as expected in a number of countries.然而在此次衰退中,欧肯法则在许多国家并没有发挥出预想中的效果。

2.For a long time, though, Mr. Okun was uncomfortable with the connection, largely because his mother disapproved.但是,奥昆先生很长时间对这种联系感觉很不舒服,很大程度上是因为他母亲不同意。

3.Concern has grown over a break in the rough historical relationship between output and employment known as Okun's Law.人们对奥肯定律的破坏日益担忧。所谓的奥肯定律是指产量和就业之间粗略的历史性关系。

4.Unemployment usually responds to economic growth in a relationship that was captured by an economist, Arthur Okun, in the 1960s.这点着实让人们迷惑不解。在上世纪60年代,经济学家阿瑟.奥肯计算出了失业率如何伴随经济增长变化作出反应。

5.Rising GDP has not led to the fall in unemployment predicted by Okun's Law, estabpshed in the 1960s by Arthur Okun, an economist.GDP增长没有像奥肯定律(该定律由经济学家阿瑟•奥肯于20世纪60年代提出)所言的那样,降低失业率。

6.Some countries have long tried to trump Okun's law with legislation of their own, making it costly or cumbersome to lay off workers.一些国家长期以来试图通过本国立法,使裁员变得成本高昂或手续繁冗,以此战胜欧肯法则。

7.The so-called "misery index" conceived by economist Arthur Okun is calculated by adding together unemployment and inflation.经济学家阿瑟·奥肯提出的“悲惨指数”是通过把失业率和通货膨胀相加计算得出的。

8.Guangzhou okun valve co. , ltd sincerely welcome your cooperation!广州奥村阀门厂有限公司真诚欢迎您的合作!

9.Okun's Law: the negative relationship between GDP and unemployment.奥肯法则:GDP和失业率之间的负相关关系

10.Though I was a great fan of Okun's, I'm afraid his law is obsolete.即使我是奥肯的超级追随者,恐怕我也得说他的定律已经过时了。