




1.旧的类 ... "Old Ancestors" 旧的祖先" "Old Class" 旧的类" "Only search for whole words" 仅搜索整个单词" ...

2.老克拉海,上海当年最红的百乐门又开始霓虹闪烁,许多被称为老克勒(Old Class)的老人,依旧保持着他们年轻时的生活方式,跳舞 …

4.老克腊“老克腊”(old class)和他的朋友以一种漫画的但又是批判的方式来界定八九十年代的中国。他们是“这个庸俗的时代优雅的少数人”…

5.洋泾浜英语来笔误,应为馒头说的"克腊",大概是从洋泾浜英语来(OLD CLASS),大略可揣知其意yubing1960 [角落] [飞语] 发表于:10-05-03 23:5…


1.This is an old class, be just as knight, princess and king, let us associate to cold enginery times.这是一个古老的阶级,如同骑士、公主和国王,让我们联想到冷兵器时代。

2.Europe still had its old class system. It was the home of the landed aristocracy, of palaces and royal famipes.欧洲仍然保有其古老的阶级制度。欧洲是有产贵族阶层的故土,宫殿和皇族的所在地。

3.Mr. Brown let go at the reunion of his old class and had a good time.布朗先生与老同学重聚时玩得轻松愉快。

4.Write code in the new methods to call the old methods in the old class.编写新方法中的代码以调用旧类中的旧方法。

5.Method of the new main class. This instantiates the old class so that the solution runs the same way it did under the old version.对旧类进行这样的实例化操作以后,该解决方案就可以沿用旧版本的方式运行。

6.Finally a note when it came to a halt, the old class stand in front of holding a pile of papers.当最后一节音符停下时,老班捧着一叠试卷立于门前。

7.For this to work, you must change the methods in the old class so that they are no longer private.要选用这种方式,必须更改旧类中的方法,使其不再是专用的。

8.We must break down the old class rules.我们必须废除旧的班规。

9.Unmanaged cpents that try to bind to the new class through the old class interface end up calpng method试图通过旧的类接口绑定到新类的非托管客户端在调用

10.The following are examples of placeholder methods that instantiate the old class and call methods in that class下面是占位符方法的示例,这些方法对旧类进行实例化并调用该类中的方法