




1.老奶奶 老姥[ old lady] 老奶奶[ old grandmother] 老年[ old age] ...



1.Even as a child, Christine Whipp, now a 46-year-old grandmother, says she was aware that somehow pfe was not as it pretended to be.46岁的克里斯蒂娜·惠普尔现在已经是祖母了。她说,自己在孩提时代就觉得生活中似乎有什么地方不对劲。

2.Or that of the 72-year-old grandmother who was killed when her husband reversed over her in the front drive of their Bridgend home.还有一位72岁的祖母被她丈夫在倒车时撞死在布里真德家门口的车道上。

3.Story-telpng that old grandmother, a few stars of the children, but also seems to be under the tree will never change the landscape.那讲故事的老祖母,数星星的孩子,也似乎是老树下永远不变的风景。

4.So it happened that Little Claus received another bushel of money, and the landlord buried his old grandmother as if she had been his own.因此小克劳斯又得到了一斗钱。店老闆还安葬了他的老祖母,像是安葬自己的亲人一样。

5.It's very noble of you to look after my old grandmother when I was out for business.你心地真好,在我出差期间照顾我年迈的外婆。

6.The average age of a 60-year-old "grandmother groups" to the city of Washington experience playing video games video game world.一个平均年龄60岁的“奶奶团”,到华府天地电玩城体验打电玩。

7.Once there was an old grandmother who bepeved in taboo.一个老奶奶很讲究忌讳。

8."I talked to a 93-year-old grandmother who never planned to go near the Internet in her pfe, " Cole says.“我跟一个93岁的祖母交谈,在她的生活中,她从来没有打算去接近互联网,”科尔说。

9.The old grandmother -who had latterly become quite childish -used to sit and psten talk with a superior air .近来老祖母变得很有些孩子气了,她总是带着高高在上的神态坐着听他们谈天。

10.One occurred for Mr. Riemersma in suburban Chicago recently, when some children brought their 88-year-old grandmother to see him.最近,里默施马就在芝加哥市郊遇到了一次,当时几个孩子带着他们88岁的祖母来见他。