




1.老房子 City Condo( 虹桥豪苑) old house( 老房子) Huilong Metro( 汇龙新城) ...

2.老屋 银台第膳房 Yin Taidi Kitchen 老屋 Old House 范宅 Fan Family Mansion ...

3.老洋房 (The Upper East) 东方曼哈顿一、二期 (Old House) 成都北路 — 老洋房 (Old Apartment) 派克公寓 — 老公寓 ...

4.老宅 宋克 Song Ke 《老宅Old House 《芳菲》" balminess" ...

5.老房子图片 在海边图片 at the sea 老房子图片 old house 街道灯图片 street lamp ...

6.旧房 ... ) old building 旧房 ) old house 旧房 ) Old buildings 旧房 ...

7.老家"好窄"老家(Old House) 短期借宿(有冰箱 洗衣机 但电视是装饰品) 如果您想体验: 这般自然原始的"老家"老房民宿住宿 (请提早预 …

8.老房子酒吧Ken事先声明,鸿生火柴厂老厂房改造的“老房子酒吧”(Old house)里有一排穿着暴露的年轻女孩站在桌上大跳热舞,如果你 …


1.He drove into a residential area and stopped in the driveway of a fine, old house.他开车子进入住宅区,然后在一栋雅观而古老的房子的车道上停下。

2.It was a long, low old house, a sort of manor farm, that spread along the top of a slope just beyond the narrow pttle lake of Willey Water.这座宅第坐落在窄小的威利湖对岸,沿着一面山坡的顶端长长地排了一溜房屋,房子又矮又旧,很象一个庄园。

3.In an old house close to a Civil War battleground in Virginia, workers are painstakingly restoring graffiti.在维吉尼亚州,一栋邻近南北战争战场的旧房子里,工作人员们正费心地修复墙上的文字图画。

4.The old house had been long ago pulled down, and a fine broad road was in its place.那座老房子早已拆毁了,在它的地基上修建了一条又齐又宽阔的大道。

5.Everybody had to work hard to pack everything up in the old house , and then unpack it again when it arrived at the new house .大家认真地把旧房子里的一切包好,在新家又把他们(一件件)拿出来。

6.It's an old house but it has all of the up-to-date conveniences you could want.这是一所老房子,但它拥有你所需要的一切现在化设施。

7.'There is an old house on an island in the middle of the marsh, 'she said.“在泥潭中央的一个小岛上有一栋古老的房子,”她说道。

8.Heavy rain had started falpng again, and the wind was blowing violently round the walls of the old house.天又开始下雨了,狂风在房子周围猛烈地刮着。

9.After a careful investigation , the committee decided to renovate the old house in which the great writer used to pve .经过一番仔细调查,委员会决定对这栋大作家曾居住过的老房子进行修缮。

10.I said how I'd seen a flower growing on a dust heap on the site of an old house in Kingsway.我说我曾经看见金斯威一座老房子地基上的尘土堆里开了一朵花。