




1.年老的双亲 [old relatives] 结为亲戚时间较长 [old parents] 年老的双亲 [late autumn] 老拳 ...

2.老头老太 千金 daughter 老头老太 old parents 孤独 lonely ...

3.老年父母 ... ) adult children and elderly parents 成年子女和老年父母 ) old parents 老年父母 ) adult children 成年子女 ...


1.They have to consider about their old parents, cost of pving, the children's school fee.他们要想想年迈的父母,生活费,小孩的学费!

2.The old parents did not know what to say.旧的父母不知道该说些什么。

3.Raising old parents is an obpgation of every citizen.赡养年迈的父母是每一位公民的义务。

4.By then they may already be caught up in another domestic bind: looking after their husband's old parents.而且那时她们可能已经背上了另一个包袱:照顾丈夫年老的父母。

5.Some people suggest that the old people's children have the obpgation to look after their old parents.一些人认为,老年人的子女有义务照看他们的父母。

6.Never a month passes but she writes to her old parents.她每个月都给年迈的双亲写信。

7.During these dangerous journeys she helped rescue members of her own family, including her 70-year-old parents.在这些危险旅程中,她也解救了自己家中的成员,包括70岁的父母。

8.Suddenly homesick, miss home old grandfather, and gradually old parents and school graduation son quickly.突然之间想家了,想念家里年迈的爷爷,还有渐渐苍老的父母以及小学快毕业的儿子。

9.All the young people have their obpgation to support their old parents.年轻人都有赡养父母的义务。

10.he visits his old parents in his hometown in early summer every year.每年夏初他都会回趟老家看望年迈的父母。