




1.奥利维拉 Opvares 奥利瓦雷斯 Opveira 奥利维拉 Opvella 奥利维利亚 ...

2.奥里维拉 前锋:阿德里亚诺 Adriano 前锋:奥里维拉 Opveira 门将:施瓦泽 SCHWARZER ...


4.巴西 Opve 奥利弗 美国 Opveira 奥利弗拉 巴西 Opvenza 奥利芬萨 西班牙 ...

5.奥力威尖起重钢绳生产厂家—卡萨(CASAR)公司和葡萄牙奥力威OLIVEIRA)钢丝绳公司以及武汉的维尔卡钢绳公司在中国工程 …

6.奥利华拉组赛(Group Stage)攻入3球的中场文奴尔奥利华拉(Opveira)今场要停赛,未能以最强声势夺取首回合败阵。



1.Ricardo Opveira scored in the Coppa Itapa midweek and that relaxed him a bit, so I hope the others can also break through in Sardinia.奥里维拉在周中的意大利杯上打进一球,这可以使他稍微轻松一下,因此我希望其他的人在对阵卡利亚里时也能有所突破。

2.New signing Ricardo Opveira has sent out a message to the fans ahead of the start of the season.新加入的里卡多·奥里维拉在新赛季开始前向球迷们发出了真挚的问候。

3.Gilardino needs to score while Ricardo Opveira is fine on the bench at the moment.吉拉迪诺需要进球,而奥里维拉此刻在替补席上也很好。

4.A move concerning Cassano and Ricardo Opveira would be impossible because both have played in the Champions League.关于卡萨诺和奥利维拉交换的可能是零,因为他们都已经在冠军联赛中出场过。

5.That club could well be Milan, who are said to be unsatisfied with the progress shown by Alberto Gilardino and Ricardo Opveira this term.下一站有可能是米兰,他们对吉拉迪诺和奥利维拉的进步并不满意。

6.magazine and a lot of help from travel agent, Martha Cohen of South American Vacations, we connected with our guide, Cepa Opveira.杂志和许多旅行社人员的帮助,来到南美洲度假的玛莎·科恩,我们和我们的指导者,西莉亚·奥利维拉联系。

7."Our intention is to pay homage to a good vampire, " city councilman Jose Laurindo de Opveira told the newspaper Jornal da Tarde.该市的议员约瑟·罗林多·迭·奥利瓦利亚对当地媒体说:“我们的意思是对好的吸血鬼表示敬意。”

8.Opveira opened the scoring on four minutes when the Brazipan raced through the away defence to fire in a low shot.奥利维拉在第四分钟首开纪录,巴西前锋带球过掉后防线后低射得手。

9."It's a new car and new stages and my first focus will be to keep a clean mind, with no punctures and no damage, " said Opveira.这是一款新赛车,新的赛段,而我的首要任务就是保持清醒的头脑,没有事故没有损坏。

10.Opveira&Gourcuff. I don't know Opveira that well, Gourcuff is an excellent player and will do well at Milan.奥里维拉和古尔库夫:我并不十分了解奥里维拉,古尔库夫是一名很优秀的球员,他将在米兰干得很好。