


美式发音: [ˈoʊnərəs] 英式发音: [ˈəʊnərəs]








1.费力的;艰巨的;令人焦虑的needing great effort; causing trouble or worry

an onerous duty/task/responsibipty繁重的义务╱工作╱职责


adj.1.something that is onerous is something that you dispke or worry about because it is very difficult to deal with

1.繁重的 ode n 颂歌 onerous a 繁重的;费力的 orbit n 轨道 ...

2.麻烦的 synonym 同义词 onerous 麻烦的 opulent 富裕的 ...

3.艰巨的 onerous property 负有义务的财产 onerous 负有义务的;艰巨的 onerous 负有义务的艰巨的 ...

4.负有义务的艰巨的 onerous 负有义务的;艰巨的 onerous 负有义务的艰巨的 Oneway Traffic Area 单向通航航段 ...

5.负有法律责任的 (法律的)但书 proviso 负有法律责任的 onerous 有(法律)责任的 pable ...

6.负担 名字 synonym 负担 onerous 财富 opulent ...

7.沉重的 Neurologic 神经病学的 Onerous 沉重的;麻木的 Parenteral 注射用药物的 ...


1.The reasons are complex, but boil down to Fannie and Freddie trying to protect their profits by imposing onerous fees and conditions.导致这种结果的原因相当复杂,但归结到一点就是房利美和房地美公司试图通过施行昂贵的收费政策和繁复的贷款条件来保全自身利益。

2.When one of his children got sick, he took a loan from a moneylender at an onerous interest rate.当他的一个孩子生病了,他从一个放债人那里得到了一笔高利贷。

3.It said the treaty would be too onerous, particularly the parts regulating working hours and health and safety.他们认为这项条约太过苛刻,特别是那些涉及工作时间和健康安全方面的规定。

4.Default may then be unavoidable, even if it would be unnecessary with less onerous terms on borrowing.那么违约也许就无法避免,即便在借款条款不那么苛刻的情况下,违约本来不必发生。

5."We do not have the onerous and increasingly erratic regulation of the US, " he said.他指出:“我们没有美国那种繁重且越来越飘忽不定的监管。”

6.When organizations first adopt RUP, completing such a series of Development Cases can be an onerous, time-consuming process.当企业开始采用RUP时,完成这一系列的开发案例是十分繁重且花费时间的过程。

7.Overtime work is often onerous , though it is well paid .尽管有好的报酬,加班工作常常很繁重。

8.The bill is designed to be less onerous for the smallest food producers, but parts of the industry are decidedly cranky.它旨在帮助那些极小型的食品生产商减少繁杂,但有些企业却明确地不配合。

9.As lead singer, Michael's schedule was more onerous than that of his brothers.主唱迈克尔·杰克逊的工作甚至比兄弟们更加繁重。

10.With the terms more onerous than any a sovereign fund would demand, the talks between TPG and Merrill did not get very far.这些条件比任何一家主权基金可能要求的都要严苛,因而TPG与美林之间的谈判没能走得太远。