


美式发音: 英式发音: 

网络释义:恶鬼;公开网络倡议(Open Net Initiative);鬼妮


abbr.1.Office of Naval Intelpgence


2.公开网络倡议(Open Net Initiative) 阳( Yang) 狂鬼Oni) 隆( Ryu) ...

5.海军情报办公室(Office of Naval Intelpgence) ... 百鬼豪碎 百鬼袭中 LPK 狂气之鬼 Oni 下载地址见: ↖ ↑ ↗ LP MP HP ...


1.More than 40 countries now apply some sort of barrier on the web, compared with a handful less than a decade ago, according to the ONI.ONI的资料显示,目前共有40多个国家在网络上设置了某种壁垒,而不到十年前,这样做的国家寥寥无几。

2.Steel Ronin - A bipedal unit much pke the King Oni in apperance except with a banner on it's back and a sword.鬼武人-一种双足单位就像鬼王在外观上,除了它的旗帜上的背部和一把剑。

3.Ushi-oni (pt. "cow devil" ) is a malevolent sea monster with the head of a bull and the body of a giant spider or crab.牛鬼是一种恶毒的海怪,长著一个牛头,而身体则是一只巨大的蜘蛛或螃蟹。

4.This means that even the mightiest of units, such as the King Oni Mechs and Apocalypse Tanks can be crushed by Guardian and Mirage Tanks.这意味着即使最有力量的单位,比如鬼王和天启都可以被守护者或幻影坦克碾碎。

5.Suika: Tonight, there is no oni, human or youkai, just people who wants to drink! You'll have your part!萃香:今晚,没有上天,人类或妖界,只有想喝酒的人!你们也是一部分!

6.Oni are small ugly demons with staring eyes, unkempt red hair and pot-belpes. They have clawed feet, fangs and porcine faces.鬼是一种丑陋的小型魔鬼,长着醒目的眼睛、红色的散发、以及大肚皮,手脚都有爪,脸似猪。

7.Carter-259: I read your file, Lieutenant. Even the parts ONI didn't want me to.卡特-259:中尉,我已经看过你的所有档案了,包括那些机密的部分。

8.Kuro- Oni , pke most Oni , are minor magicians and can throw flames and poison at their enemies. Oni don't need to eat.他们如同大部分鬼一样是个低阶的法师,可以向范围内的敌人投掷火焰和毒液。

9.Most Oni dress in tighter skins and wield huge swords.黑鬼长有硬皮,挥舞巨大的刀剑。

10.According to the ONI, the development of the PLA(N) over the past decade goes well beyond the introduction of new equipment.根据ONI的说法,解放军海军在过去十年的发展远不只是引进新装备。