




1.前男友上床确保她永远不会受伤,也就说明了她为什麽一直和不爱的前男友上床(only sex),里面有很多用幽默的方法带出现实的残酷,i pke it.


1.Then again, sex is only sex, if you know what I mean.不过,性仅仅是性而已,知道什么意思吧。

2.But the film's only sex scene involves two people touching a stick shift, and there's probably only one joke in it.但这部电影的唯一性场景涉及了两个人接触变速杆,并有可能只有一个笑话。

3.Abstinence-only sex education has been an unquapfied failure, but for some reason parents get very skittish about sex education.仅限于禁欲的性教育已经被证明是失败的,但是出于某些原因,对于孩子的性教育家长们很容易激动。

4.The only sex that is unethical is sex that any of the people involved don't want to be having.唯一不道德的性行为是在参与者并不情愿的情况下发生的性行为。

5.They are tired of the monotony of monogamy, the Wednesday-night-only sex.这些女士对千篇一律的一夫一妻制及所谓“只在周三晚过性生活”感到厌倦。

6.I have interviewed many students who have said that pornography is their only sex education.我采访过许多学生,他们说色情制品是他们唯一的性教育管道。

7.Women do bleed when they break their hymen for the first time, but it's not necessary that only sex can make them bleed.女人在第一次做爱时破了她的处女膜一定流血,然而不一定只有做爱才能让她们流血。

8.I'm not against one-nighter , but please don't think that I'm that superficial and have only sex in mind! !我虽不反对一夜情,但并不至于那么肤浅和满脑子只是“性”!!