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1.户外的;露天的happening or existing outside rather than inside a building

an open-air swimming pool露天游泳池


adj.1.happening or existing outside

1.户外的 air 神态 open-air 户外的 weir 低坝 ...

2.露天 open 打开 open-air 露天 open-and-shut 明白的 ...

3.露天的 6. melt down:ph. 熔化 7. open-air:a. 露天的 8. rather than:ph. 而不是… ...

4.半露天.小弟是不太能够接受维基 …

6.开放空间的 Frank Gehry 设计,经过改建成 Open-Air 开放空间的 Savage Garden 野人花园有首动 …


1.Today it looks eerily pke a Chinese version of Prince Street in SoHo: an open-air mall dressed up in historical facades.它看起来有点像怪异的中国版SoHoPrinceStreet:一个充满古旧历史气氛的露天商场。

2.One afternoon the plump hen wandered with her children in the open air nearby when a hare came up to her.有天下午,胖母鸡又带上她的一窝小鸡崽儿们在附近的旷野里漫步着。此时,一只野兔突然走上前来。

3."I sit right here and watch people crash all day long, " said Mohammed Nabi, who fries fresh fish in an open-air stall along the road.“我坐在这里看着人们整天的撞车,”MohammedNabi说道,他是一位沿路贩卖烤鱼的露天摊贩。

4.Landfill sites will be converted into vast open-air incinerators, operating around the clock in an attempt to maximise carbon output.垃圾堆填地点将被转换成巨大的露天焚烧炉,廿四小时全天候作业以图释出最大限度的碳排放量。

5.There are enough men prepared to make an early morning start for the sake of an open-air job with a fair measure of freedom.有足够的人准备为一个露天工作做一个凌晨开始以自由一项公平的措施。

6.all sanitary spaces shall have ventilation to the open air, independently of any other part of the accommodation; and.所有盥洗处所应有直接通向露天的通风,并与起居舱室的任何其它部分相独立;以及。

7.It was a cold still afternoon with a hard steely sky overhead, when he sppped out of the warm parlour into the open air.那是一个寒冷静谧的下午,鼹鼠悄悄溜出暖融融的客厅,来到屋外。头顶上的天空如同纯钢似地发着青光。

8.Animals kept on organic farms are allowed to roam in the open air and are not locked up in cages for long periods.在施用有机肥的农场人们把动物露天放养在草场上,而不是长时间的关在笼子里。

9.to stay in the house or to try the open air. There were earthquakes and a rain of burning rocks was coming down.他们讨论怎么办:是呆在房子里还是出去。当时还有地震,同时,炙热的岩石像雨点一样流下了。

10.The open-air fan boat has a pair of twin laser cannons pivot mounted at the front of the craft.在这种露天风扇机船的前端安装了一对可旋转的双管激光炮。