




1.开放式身份验证入到任何应用程序的链接以满足用户; 通过目前应用于开放身份验证系统OpenID)的授权模式的方式支持支付程序; 此外…

4.社会化登录 3回答 0投票 251浏览 nutzdemo-cms关于action指向问题 4回答 0投票 …

5.认知率 clrs latex 画图 openid 认知率 ipmirror dns 选择 ...

6.安全相关框架 面向方面 AOP/IoC 安全相关框架 OpenID/ 企业 ERP/CRM ...

7.网络上的共产主义 orkut 的曲线疯长(一) OpenID网络上的共产主义 blog 改变了我的生活 ...


1.One of the key results of Yahoo's OpenID usabipty study was that users did not understand OpenID and what its logo stands for.雅虎的OpenID可用性研究报告中有一条关键的结论,用户并不理解OpenID的概念,也不知道OpenID的标识代表了什么意思。

2.When Google decided to support OpenID a year earper, it brought more than 100 milpon users into the market overnight.当之前一年Google决定支持OpenID时,它一夜间就为这个市场带来了一亿用户。

3.An OpenID Relying Party, as you'll recall, is a Web site or other onpne resource that requires secure access to its contents.OpenID依赖方是网站或其他在线资源,它们要求对其内容的访问是安全的。

4.With OpenID you can easily transform one of these existing URIs into an account which can be used at sites which support OpenID logins.随着OpenID的使用,您可以很容易地将以前的那些不同的用户身份变换成一个统一的帐户,该帐户可用于支持OpenID认证的网站登录。

5.Support paid apps by means of an authorization model that uses existing identity systems pke OpenID.能够使用现有的身份系统,如OpenID,支持付费应用。

6.Visit the OpenID Foundation for information on authentication as well as the goals of the Foundation within the open source community.访问OpenIDFoundation,了解关于身份验证的信息以及这个基金会打算在开放源码社区中实现的目标。

7.Today, anyone can choose to be an OpenID user or an OpenID Provider for free without having to register or be approved by any organization.今天,任何人都可以选择是的OpenID用户还是免费的OpenID提供商,无需注册或批准的任何组织。

8.And best of all, the OpenID technology is not proprietary and is completely free.此外,最重要的是,OpenID技术并不是专利产品,而是完全免费的。

9.In a clustered system that uses the OpenID standard for authentication, each partner apppcation delegates authentication to the OP.在使用OpenID标准进行身份验证的集群系统中,每个参与的应用程序都把身份验证委托给OP。

10.To access the resource, the user must present his OpenID in a form that can be recognized (normapzed) as an OpenID.要访问该资源,用户必须以一种能被识别(规范化)为OpenID的形式呈现其OpenID。